M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 799

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Chapter 38: Elastic Audio


To apply Telescoping Warp to a region:


In Warp view, do one of the following:

• With the Grabber tool, drag any Event

marker that is after the last Warp marker in
the region to the left or right to Telescope-
Warp the audio that is after the Warp
marker in or out. If no Warp marker is
present in the region, one is created auto-
matically at the region start. The region
start remains anchored to its location on
the Timeline.

– or –

• With the Grabber tool, Alt-click (Windows)

or Option-click (Mac) and drag any Event
marker that is before the first Warp marker
in the region to the left or right to Tele-
scope-Warp the audio that is before the
Warp marker in or out. If no Warp marker is
present in the region, one is created auto-
matically at the region end. The region end
remains anchored to its location on the

Workflow Example

Beat match a song to the session tempo and
Bar|Beat grid using Telescoping Warp:


Make sure the Main Timebase ruler is set to



Set the default tempo and meter.


Select Grid mode.


Import a song, or any other longer audio file

from a DigiBase browser.


Make sure that Elastic Audio is enabled on the



Select Warp view.


Make sure there are no Warp markers present

on the region. If necessary, delete any exisiting
Warp markers.


With the Pencil tool, add a Warp marker at the

bar 1 downbeat location within the region.


With the Grabber tool, drag the single Warp

marker to the bar in the Timeline where you
want the downbeat of the audio file to start.


Drag the Event marker on the downbeat of

bar 2 of the region to Telescope warp the audio
such that the Event marker matches the corre-
sponding bar number in the Bars|Beats ruler.


If the region’s tempo varies, add a Warp

marker to the next downbeat location at the
tempo change and repeat the preceding steps.

Telescoping Warp with the region start fixed

before warping

after warping