M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 533

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Chapter 26: Fades and Crossfades



Selects an S-shaped curve, which inverts

its beginning and end characteristics. This
makes it possible to fade out faster at the curve’s
start and slower at its end, for example. S-shaped
curves can be useful with material that is diffi-
cult to crossfade effectively. S-curves can be ed-
ited by dragging the curve in the curve editor.

Preset Curves

Seven commonly used preset

curves are provided for fast crossfade creation.
These can be edited by dragging the end points
of the curve in the curve editor portion of this
dialog. The seven presets are as follows:


Preset Curve 1 stays at full volume throughout

the fade, then immediately drops the volume at
the end of the fade.


Preset Curve 2 fades out relatively slowly,

keeping the volume fairly high throughout the
duration of the fade.


Preset Curve 3 fades out slightly faster, keep-

ing the volume slightly lower during the fade.


Preset Curve 4 fades out with a linear fade.

This is the default curve.


Preset Curve 5 fades out quickly at the begin-

ning of the crossfade.


Preset Curve 6 drops the volume even more

quickly at the beginning of the fade.


Preset Curve 7 silences any audio at the begin-

ning of the fade.

Preset Curve 1

Preset Curve 2

Preset Curve 3

Preset Curve 4

Preset Curve 5

Preset Curve 6

Preset Curve 7