I/o setup dialog buttons, menus, and selectors – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 81

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Chapter 6: I/O Setup


Path Name Column

Shows paths that are avail-

able for selection, including the name of each
defined path. Path names can be renamed.

Expand/Collapse Triangle

Shows or hides the

sub-paths associated with a main path.

Active/Inactive Status Box

Shows and changes

the active/inactive status of each path.

Path Format Selector

Shows and selects the

type/format (such as Mono, Stereo, Quad, or
5.1) of each defined path (greater-than-stereo
multichannel formats are supported with
Pro Tools|HD systems only).

Channel Grid

Maps paths to specific interfaces

and channels.

I/O Setup Dialog Buttons, Menus,
and Selectors

Depending on the I/O Setup page, the I/O Setup
dialog can provide the following buttons,
menus, and selectors for configuring signal rout-

New Path Button

Lets you create a new path on

signal path pages for Input, Output, Insert, Bus,
or Mic Preamp (Pro Tools HD only).

New Sub-Path Button

Lets you create a new sub-

path on signal path pages for Input, Output, In-
sert, Bus, or Mic Preamp (Pro Tools HD only).

Delete Path Button

Lets you delete any selected

path or sub-path on signal path pages for Input,
Output, Insert, Bus, or Mic Preamp (Pro Tools
HD only).

5.1 Default Path Order Selector (Pro Tools HD and
Pro Tools LE with Complete Production Toolkit

Lets you select the default track layout you

want Pro Tools to follow when creating and
mapping 5.1-format main or sub-paths in the
I/O Setup dialog.

Import Settings Button

Lets you import an I/O

settings file to reconfigure I/O Setup.

Export Settings Button

Lets you save I/O settings

as a file that can be imported into other sessions.

Default Button

Resets a path type to its default

path configuration, depending on which inter-
face you are using and how your Hardware
Setup window is configured.

Compensation for Input Delays After Record Pass
(Input Page, Pro Tools HD Only)

Provides auto-

matic compensation for any analog or digital in-
put delay with Digidesign audio interfaces. En-
able this option for all recording situations.
When recording from a digital source, both the
Compensation for Input Delays After Record Pass

and the Compensation for Output Delays After
Record Pass

options must be enabled.

Compensation for Output Delays After Record
Pass (Output Page, Pro Tools HD Only)


automatic compensation for any analog or digi-
tal output delay with Digidesign audio inter-
fances. Enable this option when you are syn-
chronized to an external clock source. When
recording from a digital source, both the Com-
pensation for Input Delays After Record Pass


the Compensation for Output Delays After Record

options must be enabled.

Show Last Saved Setup

Appears in the I/O Setup

dialog in certain session transfer situations. For
details on this feature, see “Show Last Saved
Setup and Show Current Setup” on page 74.

Pop-Up Menu Selectors I/O Options

Provide se-

lectors with pop-up menus to set paths or or-
ders. The Output and Bus pages provide a Con-
troller Meter Path selector. The Output page also
provides selectors for Audition Paths (Region
List and DigiBase previewing), New Track De-