M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 612

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Resolution for Inserted Controller
When inserting controller events with the Pen-
cil tool, the density of the events is determined
by the Pencil Tool Resolution When Drawing Con-
troller Data
setting in the MIDI Preferences page.
To set the Pencil tool resolution:
Choose Setup > Preferences, then click the
Type a value (1 to 100 milliseconds) for Pencil
Tool Resolution When Drawing Controller Data
Click OK.
To edit a continuous controller event with the
Pencil tool, the controller first has to be added
to the Automated MIDI Controllers list.
To manually enable a continuous controller for
Do one of the following:
• Click the Track View selector for the MIDI
or Instrument track you want to edit, and
select Add/Remove Controller from the
controllers submenu.
– or –
• If Controller lanes are revealed under the
MIDI or Instrument track you want to edit,
click the Controller Type selector for the
Controller lane under the track and select
Add/Remove Controller from the control-
lers submenu.
To copy continuous MIDI controller events
and paste to a different MIDI controller, use
Special Paste (Edit > Paste Special > To Cur-
rent Automation Type). For example, you
might want to use the same control data for
volume and a cut-off filter, or for pan and
pitch bend. For more information, see “Spe-
cial Paste Function for Automation Data”
on page 935.
Edits to volume data affect all tracks within
an enabled Edit Group. This is not the case,
however, for other controller playlists (such
as pan). To insert and edit other controller
types across all tracks in an Edit Group,
press the Start key (Windows) or Control
(Mac) while performing the edits.
The controller is automatically added to the
Automated MIDI Controllers list when you
record controller information from an exter-
nal device.
Selecting Add/Remove Controllers from the Track View