Separating regions with beat detective – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 581
Chapter 28: Beat Detective
Separating Regions with
Beat Detective
(Audio Only)
Once beat triggers appear in your selection, they
can be used to define start and end points for
new regions that can be separated automati-
cally. The new regions can then be conformed
to the session’s existing tempo map, or to a
groove template.
If you want to clean up the timing for the selec-
tion, without affecting the tempo, make sure to
first calculate the tempo by generating Bar|Beat
Markers (see “Calculating Tempo with Beat De-
tective” on page 554).
To separate regions with Beat Detective:
In the Edit window, make an audio selection.
In the Beat Detective window, select Region
Define or capture the selection as described in
“Defining a Beat Detective Selection” on
page 552.
Configure the Detection options so the selec-
tion’s peak transients are accurately detected
(see “Generating Beat Triggers” on page 554).
Click Separate.
Regions are separated based on the detected beat
Trigger Pad
When separating regions, the Beat Detective
window displays an option called Trigger Pad.
Type a value (0–50 ms) in this field to pad region
start points—where the point of separation is lo-
cated in relation to the beat trigger (transient).
This creates a space between the region start
point and the region sync point, thereby ensur-
ing that the attack portion of the material re-
mains intact.
When conforming separated regions, the region
sync point, not the region start point, deter-
mines where the region is placed.
Detection settings, Region Separation mode
Separated region with 20 ms Trigger Pad
For more information on region sync points,
see “Sync Points” on page 728.
Region start
Sync point
(point of separation)
20 ms
(beat trigger)