M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 609

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Chapter 29: MIDI Editing


To delete a single MIDI note with the Pencil tool:


With the Pencil tool selected, Alt-click (Win-

dows) or Option-click (Mac) the note. The Pen-
cil tool changes to an Eraser when Alt
(Windows) or Option (Mac) is pressed.

Time Compression/Expansion
Trimmer Tool Functionality on
MIDI Regions

The Time Compression/Expansion Trimmer
tool is useful for matching a MIDI region to the
length of another region, a tempo grid, or any
other reference point.

With the Time Compression/Expansion Trim-
mer tool, you can move the MIDI region’s start
or end point to expand or compress the region,
scaling the MIDI data accordingly regardless of
the track’s timebase (ticks or samples).

Using the Time Compression/
Expansion Trimmer Tool in Grid Mode

The Time Compression/Expansion Trimmer
tool (TCE Trimmer tool) can be used in Grid
mode to match a region to the tempo of a ses-
sion or a section of a session, or to create “dou-
ble time” or “half time” performances.

To compress or expand MIDI regions in Grid mode:


Set the Edit mode to Grid.


If necessary, set the MIDI or Instrument track

to Regions view.


Select the TCE Trimmer tool.


With the TCE Trimmer tool, drag the MIDI re-

gion’s start or end point to compress or expand
the region to the Grid (for example, by quarter
notes). A new MIDI region is automatically cre-
ated, and appears both in the playlist and in the
Region List.

Deleting a note with Pencil tool

Program change events and Sysex events
can also be deleted by Alt-clicking
(Windows) or Option-clicking (Mac) them
with the Pencil tool.

Scaling a MIDI region with the Time
Compression/Expansion Trimmer tool

before trimming

after trimming