Viewing automation enable status, Automation enable guidelines – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Viewing Automation Enable

Track Automation Mode Selectors


When a track is enabled for automation but

not writing automation, the Automation mode
selector shows the mode in normal red text.


When any control on a track is writing auto-

mation, the Automation mode selector shows
the mode highlighted in red.

Automation Window Buttons


When an automation type is writing automa-

tion on any track in the session, the correspond-
ing button in the Automation window displays
bold red text.


When an automation type is enabled but is

not writing anywhere in the session, the corre-
sponding button in the Automation window
displays normal red text.

Automation Enable Guidelines

The following rules determine whether automa-
tion is enabled for a track:


Although Pro Tools shows a single Automa-

tion mode for each track, all automatable con-
trols associated with that track are not
necessarily in the same Automation mode.


If automation is globally suspended in the Au-

tomation window, all automatable controls be-
have as if they were in Off mode, regardless of
the track’s current Automation mode.


If automation for a control is suspended by

Control-clicking (Windows) or Command-click-
ing (Mac) its name in the Track View selector,
that control behaves as if it were in Off mode, re-
gardless of the track’s current Automation


If automation for a control is suspended in the

Automation window, that control behaves as if
it is in Read mode when the track is in a record-
able Automation mode (Touch, Latch, or Write

Automation Mode selector showing enabled state (left)
and writing state (right)

Automation window showing possible automation


Not Enabled