M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 552

Pro Tools Reference Guide
To hide the whole file region containing all takes
so that you only see the takes with the same start
and end times as the Edit selection, do one of the
Right-click on the Playlist lane and choose
– or –
With the same Edit selection that you used for
loop recording intact, Right-click the Track
Name or any of the Playlist Lane Names and
choose Filter Lanes > Show Only Lanes With > Re-
gions Within the Edit Selection
To audition alternate playlists:
Enable Loop Playback by doing one of the fol-
• Select Options > Loop Playback.
– or –
• Right-click the Record button in the Trans-
port and select Loop.
With the same Timeline selection intact, and
and the same pre-roll/post-roll settings enabled,
start playback. The main playlist plays back.
Click the Solo button for the alternate playlist
lane you want to audition. Repeat this step for
each playlist lane. (Soloing a Playlist lane only
solos the playlist in the track, it does not mute
any other tracks in the session.)
Select and copy the best take to the main playlist:
Once you have identified the best take, make
any changes to the Edit selection. This is the se-
lection that will be copied to the main playlist.
Do one of the following:
• Choose Edit > Copy Selection To > Main
• Right-click the selection and choose Copy
Selection to Main Playlist
• Click the Copy Selection to Main Playlist
button for the Playlist lane.
Filtering Playlist lanes viewed
Copying the Edit selection in an alternate playlist to the
main playlist
Press Control+Alt+Start+V (Windows) or
Command+Option+Control+V (Mac) to
copy the selection to the main playlist.
Copy Selection to
Main Playlist button