Groove quantize – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Groove Quantize

In the Quantize window, you can apply Groove
Quantize when a groove template is selected in
the Quantize Grid pop-up menu. Groove quan-
tize adjusts MIDI note locations and durations,
Elastic Audio events, and audio regions accord-
ing to a groove template rather than a strict quan-
tization grid. Groove templates extract the par-
ticular rhythmic feel of a recorded audio or
MIDI performance so that is can be applied to
another MIDI sequence or audio selection. Digi-
Groove templates can be generated using Beat

Groove Templates

Groove templates (such as DigiGroove tem-
plates) are “quantization maps” derived from
real musical performances. The rhythmic char-
acter of each performance is analyzed and stored
as a groove template. Groove templates can be
used to transfer the feel of a particular perfor-
mance to MIDI notes (Timing, Duration, and
Velocity), Elastic Audio events, and audio re-

DigiGroove templates can be created using Beat
Detective. Beat Detective analyzes an audio se-
lection for transient peaks according to a de-
fined threshold and maps the rhythmic rela-
tionships to a 960 parts per quarter note (ppq)
template. Beat Detective can also analyze a MIDI
selection for Note Ons and velocities to generate
groove templates. These template can then be
used with Groove Quantize, as well as with Beat

DigiGroove templates are also available from
Digidesign and third-party manufacturers.

Quantize options with a groove template selected

For information on Beat Detective and
creating groove templates, see Chapter 28,
“Beat Detective.”

Numerical Sound’s Feel Injector Templates
(960 ppq) are supported in Pro Tools, but
DNA Groove Templates (192 ppq) are not.