Notation display track settings options – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 660

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Notation Display Track Settings


From the Track pop-up menu, select the track
you want to configure.


From the Clef pop-up menu, select the Clef you
want for the selected track from the following

• Grand Staff

• Treble Clef

• Bass Clef

• Alto Clef

• Tenor Clef

Display Transposition

From the Key pop-up menu, select the key of
Transposition for the track. For instruments that
transpose from another octave, you can also ad-
just the Octave slider. For example, for a Bass
Clarinet track, select the Key of B-flat and set the
Octave slider to +1. This way, when you print
the Bass Clarinet part, the player will be able to
read the part and concert pitch will sound cor-
rectly a major ninth below where the part is


The Attributes tab lets you specify the notation
display quantization settings for the selected
track. If the Clef is set to Grand Staff, you can also
set the Split Point to divide notes between the
treble and bass clefs.

Follow Globals

When the Follow Globals option is selected, the
track attributes use the global attributes settings
(see “Globals” on page 643). This option is en-
abled for all tracks by default.

Display Quantization

The Display Quantization setting lets you select
the quantization grid for the display of MIDI
notes in music notation. MIDI notes in
Pro Tools still maintain their original start time
and duration, but this setting affects what note
values are displayed. The notation display is
quantized to the nearest select note value.

Straighten Swing

When enabled, the Straighten Swing option
causes “swung” notes to be displayed as straight
notation. For example, a run of swung eighth
notes will be displayed as straight eighth notes.

Allow Note Overlap

Pro Tools only displays a single rhythmic line on
a single staff. When two notes that start at dif-
ferent times overlap, the first note will be trun-
cated when the second note begins. If the Allow
Note Overlap

option is enabled, Pro Tools dis-

plays the full length of overlapping notes using
tied notes.

Notation Display Track Settings window, Attributes tab