Stereo and multichannel regions in the region list – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 236

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Sample-based regions play back at their native
tempo. Tick-based MIDI and Elastic Audio pro-
cessed regions play back at the session tempo
(based on the location of the playback cursor).
You can also preview regions from the Region
List during session playback.
MIDI regions play back using the Default Thru
Instrument selected in the MIDI Preferences
page (see “The Default Thru Instrument” on
page 391).
Auditioning Discrete Signals in
Multichannel Items
In the Region List, multichannel regions are au-
ditioned through the Audition Path specified in
the I/O Setup. Signals can be auditioned “in-
place,” or through all outputs, as described be-
Audition In-Place
When auditioning a mono component of a
mono component region, the mono region can
be played from the corresponding channel of its
parent mono component region. This playback
method is called audition in-place.
To audition in-place:
In the Region List, make sure the stereo or
multichannel region is in expanded view (show-
ing .L, .R, and other component channels).
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) the
region for the channel you want to audition.
Audition to All Outputs
When auditioning a mono component of a
mono component region, the region can be
routed equally to all outputs of the parent re-
gion’s Audition Path.
To audition through all channels of the main
audition path:
Shift-Alt-click (Windows) or Shift-Option-
click (Mac) on the signal in the Region List.
Stereo and Multichannel
Regions in the Region List
Stereo and multichannel regions, whether im-
ported or recorded into Pro Tools, are displayed
as single items in the Region List. For example,
two mono source regions named “Main Pi-
ano.L” and “Main Piano.R” are listed as “Main
Piano (Stereo).” An expand/collapse triangle in-
dicates stereo and multichannel regions.
Stereo and multichannel regions are displayed
in the Region List by default in collapsed view.
The individual regions can be displayed by click-
ing the arrow to the left of the region to expand
the name.
To expand or collapse all stereo and multichannel
Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) while
clicking the expand/collapse triangle.
Individual items of an expanded-view stereo or
multichannel region can be selected indepen-
dently of the other associated regions in the Re-
gion List.
Stereo regions, expanded (top) and collapsed (bottom)