Editing looped regions – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 759

Chapter 36: Region Loops and Groups
To unloop a looped region:
Select the looped region.
Do one of the following:
• Choose Region > Unloop.
– or –
• Right-click the region you want to unloop
and select Unloop.
Do one of the following:
• Click Remove to unloop and remove all
loop iterations except the first full loop it-
eration (source region).
– or –
• Click Flatten to unloop and create individ-
ual regions from each loop iteration.
To unloop and ungroup a selection down to its
individual regions:
Select a looped region that contains one or
more region groups.
Choose Region > Ungroup All.
Unlooping and Flattening Looped Regions with
Separate Regions Menu Commands
The Separate Regions commands (At Selection,
On Grid
, and At Transients) automatically unloop
and flatten looped regions before separating.
Editing Looped Regions
Looped regions can be edited as a group (all loop
iterations together) or as individual regions
(each loop iteration). For example, selecting a
looped region with the Grabber tool selects the
entire loop (the source region and all its loop it-
erations), but clicking the Loop icon of one of
the loop iterations selects only that one itera-
Moving a looped region moves the source re-
gion and all its loop iterations together as a
group. Loop iterations cannot be moved inde-
pendently of their source region. If you move or
paste another shorter region over a looped re-
gion the loop is continued after the new region.
The parts of a separated looped region can be ad-
justed independently.
To select a looped region as a group (all loop
iterations), do one of the following:
With the Grabber tool or Smart Tool, single-
click the looped region.
– or –
With the Selector tool, double-click the
looped region.
The source region and all its loop iterations are
Region Ungroup functions on loops the
same as using the Unloop command and
choosing Flatten.
Manually warping any part of a looped re-
gion in Warp view separates only that iter-
ation from the looped region.