M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 347

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Chapter 17: Playing Back Track Material


Pro Tools also provides a pre-roll control for set-
ting playback to begin before the playback loca-
tion. See “Basic Transport Controls and
Counters” on page 135.

Counters and Indicators that
Display the Playback Location

Main and Sub Counters and Edit Selection

At the top of the Edit window, the playback lo-
cation is displayed in the Main and Sub
counters, and the Edit Selection Start indicator.
If no selection is made, the playback location is
also displayed in the Edit Selection End indica-

Counters and Edit Selection indicators can also
be displayed in the Transport window.

To display the Main Counter in the Transport


Select View > Transport > Counters.

To display the Sub Counter in the Transport


Select View > Transport > Counters.


Select View > Transport > Expanded.

To display Edit Selection indicators in the
Transport window:


Select View > Transport > Expanded.

The Big Counter

The current playback location can also be dis-
played in the Big Counter.

To display the Big Counter:


Choose Window > Big Counter.

Cursors that Indicate the Playback
(or Edit) Location

There are two types of cursors in the Pro Tools
Edit window for indicating the current playback
or Edit selection:

Playback Cursor

The playback cursor is a solid line that moves
across the Edit window to indicate the current
playback location.

Main and Sub Counters, Edit Selection indicators

Transport with Counters displayed

Start-click (Windows) or Control-click
(Mac) the Expand/Collapse button in the
Transport window to show or hide counters.

Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac)
the Expand/Collapse button in the Trans-
port window to show or hide counters and
MIDI controls.

Big Counter window