M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 66

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


DAE Playback Buffer Size

The DAE Playback Buffer Size setting determines
the amount of memory DAE allocates for disk
buffers. In addition to levels, the DAE Playback
Buffer Size

shows values in milliseconds, which

indicate the amount of audio buffered when the
system reads from disk.

The optimum DAE Playback Buffer Size for most
disk operations is 1500 msec; Level 2 (Default).

• DAE Playback Buffer Size settings lower than

1500 msec; Level 2 (Default)

may improve

playback and recording initiation speed, as
well as preview in context in DigiBase brows-
ers. However, a lower setting may make it dif-
ficult to play or record tracks reliably with
sessions containing a large number of tracks
or a high density of edits, or with systems that
have slower or heavily-fragmented hard

• DAE Playback Buffer Size settings higher than

1500 msec; Level 2 (Default)

allow higher track

count, higher density of edits in a session, or
the use of slower hard drives. However, a
higher setting may increase the time lag when
starting playback or recording, starting pre-
view in context from DigiBase browsers, or
cause a longer audible time lag while editing
during playback.

To change the DAE Playback Buffer Size:


Choose Setup > Playback Engine.


From the DAE Playback Buffer pop-up menu, se-

lect a buffer size. Memory requirements for each
setting are shown at the bottom of the Playback
Engine dialog.


Click OK.


If Pro Tools needs more system memory for

the DAE Playback Buffer, it will prompt you to
restart your computer.

Cache Size

The Cache Size setting determines the amount
of memory DAE allocates to pre-buffer audio for
playback and looping when using Elastic Audio.


Reduces the amount of system mem-

ory used for disk operations and frees up mem-
ory for other system tasks. However, perfor-
mance when using Elastic Audio features may


Is the optimum Cache Size for most ses-


Using a larger DAE Playback Buffer Size
leaves less system memory for other tasks.
The default setting of 1500 msec (Level 2) is
recommended unless you are encountering
–9073 (“Disk too slow or fragmented”)

Playback Buffer Size menu in the Playback Engine