M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 818

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


If the options for both Note On and Note Off are
selected, the Preserve Note Durations option is

Figure 5 shows how MIDI notes are adjusted by
the different What To Quantize options.

Audio Regions

When selected in the What to

Quantize pop-up menu, Quantize is applied to
region start times (or sync points if present) for
selected audio regions. MIDI regions are not af-
fected. Typically, you will only want to apply
quantization to sliced audio regions or region
groups (such as imported REX files or regions
created using the Separate Regions at Transients
command or Beat Detective). Quantization can
be applied to mixed selections of MIDI notes
and audio regions.

Elastic Audio Events

When selected in the What

to Quantize pop-up menu, Quantize is applied
to detected transient events within the Edit se-
lection on Elastic Audio-enabled tracks. Quanti-
zation can be applied to mixed selections of
MIDI notes and Elastic Audio events. Warp
markers are created automatically on top of
Event markers nearest the quantize grid. Quan-
tize then uses these Warp markers to apply

Quantize Grid

Quantize Grid Pop-Up Menu

Determines the beat

boundaries to which MIDI notes, Elastic Audio
events, and audio region start points are aligned.
Any size from whole notes (1/1) to sixty-fourth
notes (1/64), including dotted and triplet values,
can be selected for the Grid size.


Select the Tuplet option to quantize ac-

cording to irregular note groupings, such as
quintuplets (5 in the time of 4). The Quantize
Grid for tuplets is calculated from the note size
selection and the Tuplet value. For example, if
an sixteenth note equals 240 ticks, quintuplet
sixteenth notes with 5 in time of 4 would yield a
Grid size of 192 ticks or (240 ticks/5)*4.

Offset Grid By

Offsets the Quantize Grid forward

or back in time by a specified number of ticks.
Use this option to achieve a pushed feel (by us-
ing positive values) or a laid back feel (by using
negative values).

Figure 5. What To Quantize examples

before quantize

Relative Grid mode does not affect the
Quantize Grid.

To Quantize just the backbeats, set the
Quantize Grid to half-notes with an Offset
of 960 ticks.