Performance and transfer volumes, Task window, Relink window – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 244
Pro Tools Reference Guide
DigiBase Pro Catalogs
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with Complete
Production Toolkit or DV Toolkit 2 Only)
Catalogs provide the highest level of Pro Tools
file management. Catalogs make it easy to orga-
nize files from multiple sources into libraries of
favorite files. Catalogs can be sorted and
searched, even when the files they reference are
offline. Catalogs can also be shared.
Using Catalogs, you can:
• Collect and organize files from any combi-
nation of volumes.
• Create catalogs of complete volumes to
view and search even if a volume is offline.
• View, manage, audition, and import indi-
vidual items in the catalog.
• Update a database for contents of catalog.
Task Window
The Task window is a utility for viewing and
managing all of the background tasks that you
initiate with Pro Tools. Use the Task window to
monitor, pause, or cancel background tasks such
as file copies, searches, indexing, and fade cre-
Relink Window
The Relink window provides tools and features
for relinking sessions and catalogs to media files.
Use Relink tools to search and reacquire missing
files for use in the current session.
Performance and Transfer
DigiBase lets you view, manage, and import ses-
sions and media from both Performance and
Transfer volumes.
Performance Volumes
Are storage volumes (hard
drives) that are suitable for playback and have
been designated in the Workspace browser as
Record and Playback (R) or Playback Only (P) of
media files in a Pro Tools session.
Transfer Volumes
Are volumes that are not sup-
ported for media playback in Pro Tools (such as
shared network volumes or CD-ROMs), or stor-
age volumes (hard drives) that have been desig-
nated in the Workspace browser as Transfer (T)
volumes. Transfer volumes cannot be used to
record or play back media in a Pro Tools session.
Designated Transfer (T) volumes can be useful
for transferring session and media files between
different Pro Tools systems.
For detailed information about Catalogs,
see “DigiBase Pro Catalogs” on page 265.
For detailed information about the Task
window, see “Task Window” on page 270.
For detailed information about the Relink
window, see “Relink Window” on
page 256.
For more information on volume designa-
tions, see “Audio and Video Volume Desig-
nators” on page 261.