Browser windows and tools – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 246
Pro Tools Reference Guide
Sharing Database Files
Database files can be shared among users. This is
particularly useful for Transfer volumes, elimi-
nating duplicate processing (indexing) time.
For example, shared volumes (such as network
storage volumes) tend to be large, and indexing
can be a time consuming task. To avoid dupli-
cate effort, one user can manually index part or
all of the shared volume just once, then email
the database files to other users. Database files
can be added by placing them within each user’s
Volumes folder. Periodic manual indexing then
keeps all databases current.
Sharing Catalogs
(DigiBase Pro Only)
Catalogs can be created for a particular project
and then shared among multiple systems to
help facilitate more efficient workflow. DigiBase
Pro Catalogs are stored as database files on your
system drive.
On Windows, Catalog database files are stored
in the Program Files\Digidesign\Pro Tools\
Databases\Catalogs folder.
On Mac, Catalog database files are stored in the
Library/Application Support/ Digidesign/
Databases/Catalogs folder.
Browser Windows and Tools
Browsers display all files in their database (see
Figure 11 on page 229), including Pro Tools and
non-Pro Tools files. Unknown file types can be
shown, as well as aliases, and desktop folders.
To maximize processing speed and protect vital
components, DigiBase does not display all fold-
ers. For example, in Windows, DigiBase brows-
ers do not display the Program Files, Windows,
Digidesign Databases, WU Temp, or System Vol-
ume Information folders; and on Mac, DigiBase
browsers do not display the System, Applica-
tions, Library, or Digidesign Databases folders.
This excludes them from being indexed,
searched, sorted, or affected in any way by Digi-
Base tasks. You should not store Pro Tools ses-
sion or media files in any of these folders.
The main elements of a DigiBase browser (see
Figure 11 on page 229) include the following:
Title Bar
Shows the browser type (Workspace,
Volume, or Project), and the name of its associ-
ated volume or Catalog.
Includes the Browser menu, Search icon,
View Presets, and browser navigation and pre-
view tools.
Items List
Displays the contents of a volume,
folder, session, or Catalog database in rows.
Display metadata (such as file name
and format) for volumes, folders, and files in the
Items List.
Each row of data in a browser represents an Item
(such as a file or folder). Data about each item is
displayed in columns. Columns can be arranged
and placed in either the Fixed pane or the Scroll-
ing pane.