Assigning audio inputs and outputs to tracks – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 197

Chapter 11: Tracks
Opens the New Track dialog.
Opens the Track Name dialog.
Duplicates the track (or selected tracks
if any).
Split Into Mono (Multichannel Tracks Only)
a multichannel track (or selected multichannel
tracks if any) into their mono component
Deletes the track (or selected tracks if
MIDI Real-Time Properties (MIDI and Instrument
Tracks Only)
Opens the Real-Time Properties
window for the track.
Open in New MIDI Editor (MIDI and Instrument
Tracks Only)
Opens the track in a new MIDI Ed-
itor window.
Open in Score Editor (MIDI and Instrument Tracks
Opens the track in the Score Editor win-
Open in MIDI Event List (MIDI and Instrument
Tracks Only)
Opens the track in the MIDI Event
Notation Display Track Settings (MIDI and Instru-
ment Tracks Only)
Opens the Notation Display
Track Settings window for the track. Music nota-
tion can only be viewed in the Score Editor or in
MIDI Editor windows set to Notation view.
Expand Channels to New Tracks
Expands multi-
channel audio files imported from a field re-
corder to new tracks, such that every channel re-
sides on its own mono audio track. Pro Tools
also automatically conforms all expanded tracks
to the edits in the guide (expanded) track. You
can expand multichannel files to new tracks or-
dered by channel name, by channel number, by
channel name and number, or by Time Code
Assigning Audio Inputs and
Outputs to Tracks
Inputs for audio, Auxiliary Input, and Instru-
ment tracks can be assigned to audio interface
channels or busses. Outputs for audio, Auxiliary
Input, Master Fader, and Instrument tracks can
also be assigned to audio interface channels or
For stereo and multichannel surround tracks, in-
puts and outputs appear as stereo pairs and mul-
tichannel groups. The available inputs, outputs,
and busses are defined as paths in the I/O Setup
dialog (see Chapter 6, “I/O Setup”).
Automatic Input and Output
When adding tracks to a new session, inputs are
automatically assigned in ascending order. For
example, if you have an audio interface with
eight inputs, creating four new mono audio
tracks will automatically add four audio tracks
with inputs assigned to the first four paths de-
fined in the I/O Setup dialog. When creating ste-
reo tracks, inputs are automatically assigned to
subsequent input pairs.
The outputs automatically assigned to new
tracks are determined by the New Track Default
specified in the I/O Setup dialog.
Input/output assignments for three mono audio tracks
Track Input
set to Audio 2
Track Input
set to Bus 2
Track set to
No Input