Panner linking – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 868

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Opening Multiple Output Windows

Multiple track and Send windows can be dis-
played simultaneously using either of the fol-
lowing methods.

To open additional Output windows:


Shift-click any Output Window button or

Send Assignment button.

To set a window to remain open when opening
additional Output windows:


Make sure the Target is disabled.

For additional information, see “Targeted Win-
dows” on page 852

Panner Linking

Stereo outputs provide two panning controls,
one for each side of the left/right pair. Multi-
channel outputs provide a multichannel pan-

The Output window provides controls to link
channels for precise panning of stereo and mul-
tichannel tracks.

In the linked state, all sides match changes to
any other side’s Pan control. This is Absolute
Link mode. To mirror panning changes, see “In-
verse Linked Panning” on page 851.

When unlinked, Pan controls are completely in-
dependent of each other.

To enable linking:


Enable the Link icon.

To unlink an output for independent panning:


Deselect the Link icon.

Multiple Send windows

Target enabled

Target disabled

Unlinked (left), linked (middle), front inverse linked
(right) Send windows

Link icon

Inverse icon