M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 1105

background image



Sibelius (.sib) file

exporting 651


definition 885
filters 885
processing 881

signal flow

audio tracks 828
Auxiliary Inputs 829
Instrument tracks 831
Master Faders 830

signal routing

and default path order 77
basics for surround 986
example 16
surround examples 992

Single Zoom mode 452, 633
SIP (Solo In Place) 189
Size setting (for window dub) 103
Skip All 310
slices 550
sliding regions 719
Slip mode 446

and moving regions 722

Smart Tool 448, 465

and audio tracks 466
and Elastic Audio tracks 466
and MIDI tracks 467
and multichannel tracks 468
creating crossfades with 466
creating fades with 466
editing automation with 467
editing controller events with 467

Smooth and Thin Data After Pass option 91, 926
smoothing automation 909

configuration 1016
start frame for session 1012

Snap Pan to Speaker icons 1000
Snap To Bar option 693
Snap To commands 721
Snap To Grid 447
snapping to the following or preceding region 721
snapshot automation 947

adding to empty automation playlists 948
and trim values 949
writing over existing automation 948

Soft Limit 53
software updates 38
Solo button 189
Solo in Place mode 189
Solo Latch options 190
Solo modes 189

selecting 190

Solo Safe mode 191

tracks 189
tracks in a submix 860

Song Start Marker 670

editing tempo 670
moving 670

Sort By options 213


data in browsers 236
Markers 714
regions 213
secondary sorts 237

Sound Designer II file format 964
Source Path 963
Special Paste 935
Speed Cal indicator 1014
split (MIDI) 818
Split Into Mono Track command 179, 505, 984
Split notes action 818
splitting stereo and multichannel tracks 505
Spot dialog 723, 1028

Use Subframes option 1029
User Time Stamp button 1031

Spot mode 446, 1028

and moving regions 722
trimming regions in 1030


auto-spotting 1030
regions 723, 1028, 1029

SRC options 293
Standard MIDI Files 302

exporting 303
importing 301
Type 0 302
Type 1 302

Standard VCA Logic for Group Attributes option 92
start frame, for sessions 1012
Start To Insertion command 501
Start, End, and Length display 374
Step Input command 797, 821
stepped control automation 929
Stereo 966
stereo inserts 872
stereo interleaved files, exporting 289
Stereo Mix

I/O Setup factory preset 73

stereo tracks

dragging regions to 506
names for 356
replacing regions in 728
splitting 505

Stop at Shuttle Speed Zero option 97
Stop button 135
Stretch command (Tempo Operations) 688
Strip Silence command 732, 734

and region naming 733

Strip Silence window 732
stuck notes 603
Sub Counter selectors 667
Sub Time Scale 667, 101
subfolders, creating for settings 888
subframes 1029

applying an insert to 857
bouncing to 969
bouncing to disk 961
soloing tracks in 860

sub-paths 60

examples for surround 990

Suppress Automation “Write To” Warnings option 91