M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 793

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Chapter 38: Elastic Audio


Elastic Audio Plug-in Window Controls

The Elastic Audio Plug-in window provides a set
of controls in the window header that are com-
mon to all Elastic Audio plug-ins.

Track Selector

Lets you access any other audio

track in the session.

Plug-in Selector

Lets you select any Elastic Audio

plug-in or disable Elastic Audio.

Plug-in Settings Menu

Lets you copy, paste, save,

and import plug-in presets.

Plug-in Librarian Menu

Recalls Elastic Audio

plug-in settings files (presets) saved in the plug-
in’s root settings folder or in the current ses-
sion’s Settings folder.

Next (+) and Previous (–) Setting Buttons


you select the next or previous preset from the
Plug-in Librarian menu.

Plug-ins Settings Select Button

Accesses the

Plug-in Settings dialog, which lists the presets
for the current plug-in. From this list, you can
select a new preset, or audition a series of pre-


Toggles between the original saved

plug-in settings and any changes you have made
to it so you can compare them.

Clip LED

Lights red to indicate clipping in the

Elastic Audio processing. Clipping can occur
when time compressing audio. If clipping oc-
curs, you can lower the Input Gain in the Elastic
Properties window (“Input Gain” on page 790),
or attenuate the Default Input Gain in the Pro-
cessing Preferences page (see “Elastic Audio Op-
tions” on page 279).

You can undo any Elastic Audio processing and
apply an appropriate amount of AudioSuite
Gain reduction, and then try the Elastic Audio
processing again. The Clip LED only functions
for Real-Time Elastic Audio processing; it does
not function for Rendered Elastic Audio process-
ing. For Real-Time Elastic Audio plug-ins, the
Elastic Audio plug-in button on the audio track
also turns red to indicate clipping.

Target Button

When multiple Elastic Audio

Plug-in windows are open, clicking this button
selects that plug-in as the target for any com-
puter keyboard commands. Deselecting the Tar-
get button lets you open another targeted Elastic
Audio Plug-in window.

Elastic Audio plug-in controls

You will lose the current plug-in settings if
they are not saved before you use the Next
and Previous Setting buttons. Always save
your plug-in settings as presets using the
Plug-in Settings menu.

Librarian menu

Track selector

Settings menu





Plug-in selector

Next Setting button

Compare button

Plug-ins Settings Select button

Previous Setting button

For Rendered Elastic Audio processing, clip-
ping is indicated by the appearance of the
Elastic Audio Processing Clip indicator on
the region (see “Region Clip Indicator” on
page 774).