Healing separated regions, Trimming regions, Trim to selection command – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 518

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Healing Separated Regions

The Heal Separation command returns sepa-
rated regions to their original state—provided
the regions are still next to each other and their
relative start and end points have not changed
since the separation.

If you have trimmed or otherwise changed the
start or end points of the two regions, or moved
them further away from each other, you will not
be able to repair them with the Heal Separation
command. It is not possible to heal two regions
created from different audio files.

To heal a separation between two regions:


With the Selector tool, make a selection that

includes part of the first region, the entire sepa-
ration between the regions, and part of the sec-
ond region.


Choose Edit > Heal Separation.

If the regions do not heal with Heal Separation, do
one of the following to return the separated
regions to a single region:


Delete one of the two separated regions (verify

that Slip mode is enabled so the gap does not
close) and use the Trimmer tool to expand the
remaining region to its original length (see “Us-
ing the Trimmer Tools” on page 458).

– or –


Delete both of the separated regions and drag

the original region from the Region List to the
original location (see “Placing Regions in
Tracks” on page 715).

Trimming Regions

In addition to the Trimmer tools, Pro Tools pro-
vides several options for editing region and re-
gion group boundaries.

Trim to Selection Command

The Trim to Selection command removes data be-
fore and after a region or MIDI note selection,
leaving only the selection. This command lets
you quickly remove all data in a region (and in
some instances the entire track) except for the
current selection.

To trim unwanted data from a region or note:


With the Selector tool, select a portion of a re-

gion or note (or a range of notes).


Choose Edit > Trim > To Selection to remove

material outside of the selection.

Press Control+H (Windows) or
Command+H (Mac) to Heal Separation.

For information on using the Trimmer
tools, see “Using the Trimmer Tools” on
page 458.