Playlists view – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Chapter 27: Playlists


Playlists View

Playlists view lets you view the main playlist in
the track, and also any alternate playlists associ-
ated with the track. Alternate playlists are dis-
played directly below the track in Playlist lanes.

You can edit alternate playlists in Playlists view
just like the main playlist in Waveform view. In
Playlists view, edits that are applied to range se-
lections are applied to all shown alternate play-
lists. Alternate playlists that are not shown are
not affected.

To view the Playlist lanes for a track:


From the Track View selector, select Playlists.


If the track does not contain any alternate play-
lists in addition to the main playlist, only a sin-
gle, empty Playlist lane is shown under the main
playlist. You can drag and drop audio to this
lane from the Region List, DigiBase Browsers, or
other audio tracks to create an alternate playlist
for the track, in addition to the main playlist.

If the track contains one or more alternate play-
lists in addition to the main playlist, they are
displayed in lanes under the main playlist. Re-
gardless, the bottom Playlist lane is always
empty and can be used for adding regions to cre-
ate new alternate playlists.

Before starting work with Track Composit-
ing, duplicate the track’s Main Playlist to
keep it intact as a backup alternate playlist.

Region groups are not supported in Playlists
Track View.

Selecting Playlists Track view

You can also Control-Alt-click (Windows)
or Command-Control-click (Mac) the
Playlist selector to switch to Playlists view.

Dropping audio from Region List to create an alternate

Track with alternate playlists in Playlists Track view