M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 925

Chapter 42: Automation
When writing automation in Trim mode, fader
moves write relative rather than absolute values.
The existing automation data is changed by the
amount of increase or decrease (or the delta
value) indicated by the faders.
When Trim mode is enabled, non-trimmable
controls behave in the same manner as in the
standard Automation modes, with the excep-
tion of Write/Trim mode, where non-trimmable
controls operate as in Touch mode.
Trim Automation Modes
When a track is in a Trim automation mode (ex-
cept for Trim Off) its main Volume faders and all
Send level faders are displayed in yellow. When
trimming, a track’s Volume indicator or Send
Level indicator shows the delta value being writ-
ten rather than the absolute value.
Behavior of the Trim Automation modes also
depends on the Coalesce Trim Automation pref-
erence setting. See “Coalescing Trim Automa-
tion” on page 937.
Trim Off
Trim Off turns off reading and writing of all au-
tomation (main and trim) for a track. All auto-
mation moves are ignored during playback.
Trim faders are temporarily set to zero when a
track is set to Trim Off mode.
Depending on the Coalesce Trim Automation
preference setting, changing a track to Trim Off
can coalesce Trim automation on that track. See
“Coalescing Trim Automation” on page 937.
Automation can be switched from Trim Off to
another Automation mode during playback or
Read Trim
In Read Trim mode, Volume and Send level
Trim faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. You can move a Trim fader during
playback to audition new trim values, but no au-
tomation is written. When the Trim fader is re-
leased, it returns to any previously written Trim
automation values.
If a track does not contain Trim automation,
you can move a Trim fader during playback to
audition new trim values, but no automation is
written. The Trim fader retains its position until
the track is removed from Trim mode, or if you
manually coalesce the Trim level.
When this mode is enabled, non-trimmable
controls (all controls other than track volume
and send level) behave as if they are in regular
Read mode—no automation data is written.
Touch Trim
In Touch Trim mode, Volume and Send level
Trim faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. When a Trim fader is touched, writ-
ing of Trim automation begins. When the fader
is released, writing stops and the fader returns to
any previously written Trim automation values.
The rate of the fader’s return to previous trim
values is determined by the AutoMatch Time
specified in the Automation Preferences page.
See “AutoMatch Time” on page 909 for more in-
When this mode is enabled, non-trimmable
controls (all controls other than track volume
and send level) behave as if they are in regular
Touch mode—they follow the previously writ-
ten automation until touched. When they are
touched, their absolute positions are written un-
til the control is released or until playback stops.