M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 952

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Pro Tools Reference Guide



If cut or copied data contains a type of auto-

mation not currently on the target track,
Pro Tools prompts you before allowing you to
paste the data.


Cut or copied automation data for plug-ins or

sends that do not exist on the target track is ig-
nored when pasted.

Cut, Copy, Clear, and Paste Special

Four “special” commands—Cut Special, Copy

, Paste Special, and Clear Special—sim-

plify the tasks involved with moving or clearing
different types of automation data and MIDI
controller data between tracks, sends, and plug-
ins. These commands let you

• Edit automation and MIDI controller data

only (without associated audio or MIDI

• Edit automation and MIDI controller data

without having to change Track Views

In addition, the Paste Special command lets you
copy one data type to another (for example, Left
Pan data into the Right Pan playlist)


Cut Special

The Cut Special commands let you cut just auto-
mation data from the current selection (without
associated audio or MIDI notes) and place it in
memory to paste elsewhere, as follows. Choices

All Automation

Cuts all automation or MIDI con-

troller data whether it is shown or not.

Pan Automation

Cuts only pan automation or

MIDI pan data whether it is shown or not.

Plug-in Automation

Cuts only the plug-in auto-

mation that is shown.

Copy Special

The Copy Special commands let you copy just
automation data from the current selection
(without associated audio or MIDI notes) and
place a copy of it in memory to paste elsewhere,
as follows:

All Automation

Copies all automation or MIDI

controller data whether it is shown or not.

Pan Automation

Copies only pan automation or

MIDI pan data whether it is shown or not.

Plug-in Automation

Copies only the plug-in auto-

mation that is shown.

Paste Special

The Paste Special commands let you paste auto-
mation data into another region (without affect-
ing associated audio or MIDI notes) in the fol-
lowing ways:


Lets you add the pasted data to any exist-

ing automation data of the same type in the des-
tination selection. This can be useful for consol-
idating MIDI data from several tracks into a
single MIDI track. For example, you like the
pitch bend on the synth trombones and want to
apply it to the synth guitar.

Repeat to Fill Selection

Pastes multiple itera-

tions of the automation data to the entire selec-
tion range. If you select an area that is not an ex-
act multiple of the copied region size, the
remaining selection area is filled with a trimmed
version of the original selection. This lets you
easily create drum loops and other repetitive ef-
fects. Before the data is pasted, Pro Tools
prompts you to specify a crossfade to smooth
transitions between regions.

You cannot paste MIDI controller data to
automation data nor automation to MIDI.