M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 496

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Object to Time Selection

You can convert between Time- and Object-
based selections. Time selections are made with
the Selector and Time Grabber tools. Object se-
lections are made with the Object Grabber tool.

Converting to an Object selection is useful when
you are working with large selections, especially
across multiple tracks, and you want to remove
certain regions from the selection.

Converting to a Time selection is useful if you
want to select all regions between a noncontig-
uous Object selection.

To change a Time selection to an Object selection:


Drag with the Selector tool in any track to de-

fine a selection, or select in a Timebase ruler to
select across all tracks.


With the Object Grabber tool selected, dou-

ble-click the Grabber icon in the toolbar. Re-
gions falling within the selection range become
selected as objects. Regions that were partially
selected become deselected.

To select regions that were partially selected,
press Start (Windows) or Control (Mac) while
double-clicking the Grabber icon.

To change an Object selection to a Time selection:


Select any number of regions with the Object

Grabber tool.


Double-click the Selector tool in the toolbar.

The time range between the first and last region
becomes selected.

When using the Object Grabber tool on tracks
that belong to an Edit Group, regions in the
other grouped tracks are selected if they fall
within the range of the selected region.

Changing a Selection Length

The selection range can be shortened or length-
ened. This does not affect the material within
the selection.

To change the length of a selection, do one of the


With the Selector tool, position the cursor

over one end of the current selection and Shift-
click, or Shift-drag left or right.


In the Main Timebase ruler, drag the Timeline

Selection Marker for the selection’s start or end


If Link Timeline and Edit Selection is disabled,

drag the Edit Markers (see Figure 25 on
page 474) to chang
e the selection length.

Selected regions

Regions selected as objects

Dragging a Timeline Selection Marker