Trim automation playlists, Multiple edit playlists and audio track automation – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 921
Chapter 42: Automation
MIDI and Instrument Tracks
On MIDI tracks and Instrument tracks, all con-
troller automation data except for MIDI Mute
data, or audio mute (Instrument tracks only), is
stored in the MIDI region that contains it. Each
edit playlist on the track is separate, and repre-
sents a distinct performance, complete with
controller automation.
Trim Automation Playlists
Separate Trim automation playlists are available
for Volume trim and Send Level trim. Volume
trim is available on all track types except MIDI
tracks. Send Level trim is available on audio
tracks only.
Each Trim automation playlist shows the posi-
tion of the Trim fader with yellow breakpoint
automation that can be edited. For more infor-
mation on Trim playlists, see “Trim Mode” on
page 906 and “Viewing Automation” on
page 910.
Multiple Edit Playlists and Audio
Track Automation
All edit playlists on a single audio track share the
same automation data. When you record or edit
automation data in an audio track, the automa-
tion data is stored in the track’s corresponding
automation playlist so it can be edited with, or
independently from, its associated audio re-
When you copy or cut audio data from a track
while it is in Waveform view, the underlying au-
tomation data is cut or copied with it.
If you paste audio data from other locations or
tracks into an edit playlist, you may change the
underlying automation data on the track.
When you trim regions using Edit > Trim, the
underlying automation data remains un-
Duplicating Tracks for Playlist Editing
The Duplicate Track command provides a conve-
nient way to make a working copy of a track to
experiment with routing, plug-ins, and automa-
tion. This protects the original track and its au-
tomation data from being edited or overwritten.
MIDI Mute data is independent of the MIDI
data in a MIDI region. This lets you mute
playback of individual MIDI or Instrument
tracks in Pro Tools without altering the
controller data.
MIDI continuous controller data always
follows region editing, with the exception of
mute. See “MIDI and Instrument Tracks”
on page 903 for more information.
For more information, see “Editing Auto-
mation” on page 927.
For more information on duplicating tracks
command, see “Duplicating Tracks” on
page 168.