M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 230

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Displaying Regions in the Region List
The Region List can show all region types (au-
dio, MIDI, video, Groups, Auto-Created), or
only certain region types. This is useful for iso-
lating the type of regions you want to work with
while editing and arranging. For example, when
arranging region groups, you may want the Re-
gion List to show only region groups.
To show or hide certain types of regions in the
Region List:
Click the Region List menu (at the top of the
Region List) and choose Show. From the sub-
menu, select or deselect the region type you
want to show or hide.
Shows or hides audio regions in the Re-
gion List.
Shows or hides MIDI regions in the Region
Shows or hides video regions in the Re-
gion List.
Shows or hides region groups in the Re-
gion List.
Shows or hides automatically-cre-
ated regions (of all types) in the Region List.
These are regions that were created as a by-prod-
uct of cutting, pasting, and separating other re-
gions. Since these auto-created regions can be-
come numerous, hiding them (by deselecting
the option) helps you to avoid scrolling through
an unnecessarily long Region List.
In the Region List, whole-file audio regions are
displayed in bold, and stereo and multichannel
audio regions can be expanded to display indi-
vidual channels.
Because region names can become lengthy, the
Region List can be scrolled or resized as neces-
sary (see Figure 8 on page 211).
If the Region List Selection Follows Edit Selection
option is enabled in the Editing preferences, se-
lecting a region or region group in the Region
List selects it on any track where it is present in
assigned playlists. Likewise, selecting a region or
region group on a track selects it in the Region
Displaying File Info for Audio Regions
In addition to region names, the Region List can
also display information about the region’s
color coding, type (audio, MIDI, and region
group), timebase, Elastic Audio processing, and
parent file:
Displays Track Color Coding as assigned
with Default Region Color Coding option in
Display Preferences page, or as assigned in the
Color Palette.
Displays the icon for audio and MIDI re-
gions, and region groups.
Displays the timebase (samples or
ticks) for audio and MIDI regions, and region
Warp Indicator
Displays the Warp Indicator icon
if Elastic Audio processing has been applied to
the region.
File Name
Displays the parent file name.
Disk Name
Displays the name of the hard drive
on which referenced file resides.
Hiding Auto-Created regions can be useful
when importing region groups (or REX files
as region groups), because these file types
can contain so many separate regions that it
becomes difficult to read the Region List.