M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 806

Pro Tools Reference Guide
There are different Elastic Properties available in
the Elastic Properties window, depending on
whether the track is tick-based or sample-based.
If the track is sample-based, a reduced set of Elas-
tic Audio Properties are displayed.
The Region property displays the name of the re-
gion and indicates whether or not the region is
on a tick or sample-based track. If more than
one region is selected, the number of selected re-
gions is displayed. If regions on both tick and
sample-based tracks are selected, only the re-
duced set of properties are displayed.
Source Length (Tick-Based Tracks Only)
The Source Length property displays the length
of the region based on the source file in bars and
beats. If the length of the source file was ana-
lyzed incorrectly, you can change it.
To change the Source Length of a region:
Open the Elastic Properties window for the re-
Do one of the following:
• Type the correct bar, beat, and tick values
in the Source Length field.
• If the duration was incorrectly analyzed as
being half the duration of the source file,
click the x2 button.
• If the duration was incorrectly analyzed as
being twice the duration of the source file,
click the 1/2 button.
Source Tempo (Tick-Based Tracks Only)
The Source Tempo property displays the average
tempo of the source file, which is calculated
based on the detected transient events and the
length of the file. If the tempo of the source file
was analyzed incorrectly, you can change it.
To change Source Tempo of a region:
Open the Elastic Properties window for the re-
Select the correct note value for the beat from
the Tempo Resolution pop-up menu. For exam-
ple, if the source file is in 5/8, select 1/8 note.
Do one of the following:
• Type the tempo in the Source Tempo field.
• If the tempo was incorrectly analyzed as be-
ing half the tempo of the source file, click
the x2 button.
• If the tempo was incorrectly analyzed as be-
ing twice the tempo of the source file, click
the 1/2 button.
Elastic Properties, tick-based
Elastic Properties, sample-based
Changing the duration of a region on an
Elastic Audio-enabled track using the TCE
Trimmer tool updates the Source Length in
the Elastic Properties window.