Rating regions – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 527
Chapter 25: Editing Regions and Selections
Rating Regions
You can rate different regions on a scale of 1 to
5, where 5 is the highest (or best) and 1 is the
lowest (or worst). Region rating is useful for
identifying which takes (regions) you like the
most when compositing playlists. You can dis-
play or hide the region rating in regions to facil-
itate track compositing or regular editing. You
can also show or hide Playlist lanes based on the
ratings of regions in the playlist (see “Filtering
Lanes” on page 540).
To rate a region:
Select the region.
Do one of the following:
• Choose Region > Rating, and select a rank-
ing of 1 to 5.
– or –
• Right-click the region, choose Rate, and se-
lect a ranking of 1 to 5.
To display ratings in regions:
Select View > Region > Rating.
To hide ratings in regions:
Deselect View > Region > Rating.
You can rate selected regions during play-
back by pressing Control+Alt+Start (Win-
dows) or Command+Option+Control (Mac)
and then typing the rating number (1–5) on
the numeric keypad.
Region with Rating shown