Instrument tracks – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 849

Chapter 40: Basic Mixing
Master Fader Meters
Meters on Master faders always show post-fader
levels, regardless of the Pre-Fader Metering set-
ting in the Options menu.
Master Faders and Paths
Master Faders can be assigned to main or sub-
paths as defined in the I/O Setup. Multiple Mas-
ter Faders cannot be assigned to the same path.
Active and Inactive Master Faders
When a Master Fader track is inactive, its associ-
ated plug-ins, I/O assignments, and their re-
sources are made inactive.
When a Master Fader output assignment (path
assignment) is made inactive, the Master Fader
no longer controls the master gain of that path.
When you duplicate a Master Fader track, the
duplicated track’s assignment will be inactive.
Instrument Tracks
Instrument tracks provide the same audio signal
routing options as Auxiliary Input tracks, except
that their input must come from an instrument
plug-in inserted on that Instrument track, or
from a bus or hardware input.
Instrument tracks are used as inputs for instru-
ment plug-ins, and other sources (including in-
ternal busses). They can be fully automated.
When using an Instrument track as an input for
an external source, adjust the output level at the
source to achieve proper recording level.
Instrument track audio signal flow
(plug-ins or
Main Output
Additional Outputs
Sends, post-fader
(MIDI only)
Instrument plug-in,
internal bus, or
hardware instrument