M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 504

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


To set the Timeline selection by typing into the
Transport window:


If necessary, resize the Transport window to

Expanded view so the start and end times are
displayed (View > Transport > Expanded).


Do one of the following:

• In the Transport window, click in the start


– or –

• Press Alt+Forward Slash (/) (Windows) or

Option+Forward Slash (/) (Mac) on the nu-
meric keypad to select the start field in the
Transport window.


Type in the new start location and press For-

ward Slash (/) to enter the value and automati-
cally move to the end field.


Type in the new end location and press Enter

to accept the value.

Sliding a Timeline Selection

Like Edit selections, Timeline selections can be
slid in the Main Timebase ruler.

To move a Timeline selection in the Main
Timebase ruler:


While pressing Alt (Windows) or Option

(Mac), move the cursor over either of the Time-
line Selection Markers (the Time Grabber ap-


Drag left or right to move the Timeline selec-

tion back or forward in time, while preserving
its length.

Timeline Selections to/from Edit

When the Timeline and Edit selections are un-
linked, you can copy selections between them.

To change the Timeline selection to match the
current Edit selection:


Choose Edit > Selection > Change Timeline to

Match Edit


To change the Edit selection to match the current
Timeline selection:


Choose Edit > Selection > Change Edit to Match



Navigating the Timeline with the
Edit Window Counters and

The counters and indicators at the top of the
Edit window display the current playback loca-
tion and Edit selection. These include the Main
and Sub Counters, and the Edit Selection Start,
End, and Length indicators.

All Edit window counters and indicators (except
the Sub Counter) let you enter a location in their
counter display to navigate to a specific time lo-

Shortcuts for entering start and end values
in the Transport window are listed in “Nu-
meric Entry Shortcuts for Selection Indica-
tors” on page 481.

Press Alt+Shift+5 (Windows) or Op-
tion+Shift+5 (Mac) to change the Timeline
selection to match the Edit selection.

Press Alt+Shift+6 (Windows) or Op-
tion+Shift+6 (Mac) to change the Edit selec-
tion to match the Timeline selection.

Main and Sub Counters, Edit Selection indicators