M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 561

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Chapter 27: Playlists


One way to ensure that subsequent recording
takes have the same User Time Stamp (and as
such can be available as matching alternate re-
gions) is to store punch and loop record selec-
tions as Memory Locations. Then, if you later
need to record additional takes, recall the corre-
sponding Memory Location.

To change the User Time Stamp of other regions
so that they can be available as alternate match-
ing regions for a specific location, use the Time

command in the Region List menu.

Matches and Multiple Tracks

If you have loop recorded on multiple tracks,
and each track contains multiple takes with
identical User Time Stamps, you can change all
takes simultaneously.

To switch takes for multiple tracks:


Configure the Matching Criteria window (see

“Matching Criteria” on page 541), so that the
following options are enabled:

• Track Name

– and –

• Selection Range


With the Selector tool, select the take range for

each track you want to replace.


Do one of the following:

• Right-click the Edit selection and select a

different matching alternate take from the
Matches submenu.

– or –

• Control-click (Windows) or Command-

click (Mac) the Edit selection and select a
different take from the Alternates pop-up

The selected take replaces the previous take and
snaps to the correct location on each track.

Automatically Create New
Playlists when Loop

When loop recording, Pro Tools creates a single
file containing all recording passes where each
recording pass is a region in the file. On the
track, only the last recording pass is present as a
region in the main playlist. All other regions (re-
cording passes) are hidden, but can be recalled
as matching alternate regions (takes).

When enabled, the new Automatically Create New
Playlists When Loop Recording

option in the Op-

eration Preferences page automatically copies
each region (take) to a new playlist in the track.
This facilitates using Playlists view for audition-
ing and selecting alternate takes.

To automatically create new playlists when loop


Choose Setup > Preferences and click the




In the Recording section, enable the Automati-

cally Create New Playlists When Loop Recording




Click OK.

Expanding Alternate Takes to
New Playlists or Tracks

Pro Tools lets you copy alternate takes and
channels to new playlists or tracks. This is useful
for auditioning, editing, and mixing multiple al-
ternate takes or channels. Alternate takes are
created when punch and loop recording. Alter-
nate channels are included with files imported
into Pro Tools from field recorders.

For more information on loop recording, see
“Loop Recording Audio” on page 381.