Conventions used in these guides – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


Additional Plug-in Guides

For information on additional free plug-ins that
can be installed with Pro Tools, and for informa-
tion on additional plug-ins that you can pur-
chase separately, see the following PDF guides:

Bomb Factory Plug-ins Guide, which describes

the Bomb Factory plug-ins.

Creative Collection Plug-ins Guide, which

describes the Digidesign Creative Collection
instrument and effects plug-ins that can be
installed with Pro Tools.

Digidesign Plug-ins Guide, which describes the

Digidesign® plug-ins.

TL Labs Plug-ins Guide, which describes the

TL Labs plug-ins.

These guides are installed with Pro Tools and
can be found in the following locations:


C:\Program Files\Digidesign\





Expanded Systems Guide

(Pro Tools|HD Systems Only)

This PDF guide provides instructions for
expanding a Pro Tools|HD


system with addi-

tional Digidesign cards and audio interfaces,
with or without an expansion chassis.

Additional Digidesign Printed Guides

Digidesign also provides guides with Pro Tools
audio interfaces, dedicated worksurfaces (such
as D-Control™) and control surfaces (such as


), and other Digidesign options

(such as MIDI I/O™, PRE, and SYNC HD™).
Refer to the separate guide provided with each
Digidesign product.

Conventions Used in These Guides

The Pro Tools guides use the following conven-
tions to indicate menu choices, keyboard com-
mands, and mouse commands:


The names of Commands, Options, and Settings
that appear on-screen are in a different font.

The following symbols are used to highlight
important information:

Pro Tools M-Powered



File > Save

Choose Save from the
File menu


Hold down the Control
key and press the N key


Hold down the Control
key and click the mouse


Click with the right
mouse button

User Tips are helpful hints for getting the
most from your Pro Tools system.

Important Notices include information that
could affect your Pro Tools session data or
the performance of your Pro Tools system.

Shortcuts show you useful keyboard or
mouse shortcuts.

Cross References point to related sections in
this guide and other Digidesign guides.

References to Pro Tools LE™ in this guide
are usually interchangeable with Pro Tools
M-Powered™, except as noted in the
Pro Tools M-Powered Setup Guide.