Scrub trimmer tool – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 479

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Chapter 23: Edit Modes and Tools


To use the TCE Trimmer tool in Spot mode:


Set the Edit mode to Spot.


Click the Trimmer tool pop-up menu and se-

lect TCE.


Click the region near its start or end point.

The Spot dialog opens. Using any Time Scale,
enter a new start or end time (or duration) for
the region, then click OK.

Scrub Trimmer Tool

(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with Complete

Production Toolkit or DV Toolkit 2 Only)

The Scrub Trimmer tool is a convenient tool for
auditioning material (on up to two tracks) to
find a trim point. You can drag in a track to hear
the audio information, then trim at a specific lo-
cation by releasing the mouse button.

This action creates a new region. Note that the
Scrub Trimmer tool changes into a “right trim”
or “left trim” shape as it is placed over the right
or left side of a region. To reverse the direction
of the Scrub Trimmer tool, press Alt (Windows)
or Option (Mac) before you click the region.

Scrub playback speed and direction vary with
controller movement. Scrubbed audio is routed
through the track signal path, so you hear any
effects in the signal path.

To scrub trim a track:


Do one of the following:

• Click the Trimmer tool pop-up menu and

select Scrub.

– or –

• Right-click on any track and select Tools >

Trimmer Tools > Scrub


The tool changes to a speaker with a bracket.


Drag within a track to the left or right. Audio

from a scrubbed track is routed through the
track signal path, including any TDM effects.
When you locate the trim point, release the
mouse button to trim the region.

To scrub trim two tracks, click with the Scrub
Trimmer tool between two adjacent tracks and

To scrub with finer resolution (without having
to zoom in), press Control (Windows) or Com-
mand (Mac) while scrubbing.

Scrub Trimmer tool over a region