Time operations, Partial measures – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 712

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


To copy and paste several meter events:


If you want to constrain the selection to the

current Grid value, set the Edit mode to Grid.


Drag in the Meter ruler to select the range that

includes the meter events.

If the beginning of the selection includes a
meter event, press Control (Windows) or Com-
mand (Mac) so the Selector tool appears.


Choose Edit > Copy.


Click in the Meter ruler at the point where you

want to paste the meter events.


Choose Edit > Paste. The contents of the Clip-

board are pasted from the insertion point, re-
placing any existing meter events.

To extend an Edit selection in a track to the Meter


Using the Selector tool or any Grabber tool, se-

lect a track range.


Shift-click in the Meter ruler.

Shift-click again in the Meter ruler to remove it
from the selection.

To select all meter events:


With the Selector tool, double-click in the

Meter ruler.

To clear a range of selected meter events:


If you want to constrain the selection to the

current Grid value, set the Edit mode to Grid.


Drag in the Meter ruler to select the meter

events you want to remove.


Choose Edit > Clear to delete the selected

meter events.

Partial Measures

As necessary, Pro Tools will create a partial mea-
sure to accommodate the inserted meter event.
When a meter event is preceded by a partial
measure, the meter event is displayed in italics
in the Meter ruler.

Partial measures can also occur when pasting
meter events to locations other than the first
beat of a measure.

Time Operations

The Time Operations window lets you:

• Change Meter

• Insert Time

• Cut Time

• Move Song Start

To open a specific Time Operations window:


Choose Event > Time Operations, followed by

one of the Time Operations commands (such as
Change Meter


Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) while
dragging to select across all Conductor tracks.

Partial measure of 4/4

To insert meter events while avoiding par-
tial bars, use the Change Meter command in
the Time Operations window. See “Change
Meter” on page 695.

If the Time Operations window is already
open, you can select any Time Operation
from the pop-up menu at the top of the win-