M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 380

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


A folder with the session name is created on
each hard drive, containing subfolders for audio
and fade files.

• To assign a track to a different hard drive,

click the track and select a drive name.

• To assign all tracks to the same hard drive,

press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) while
selecting a drive name.

• To make a continuous selection, Shift-click

a track name (in the Track column) to ex-
tend the selection to include already-se-
lected tracks and all tracks in between.

• To make a noncontiguous selection, Con-

trol-click (Windows) or Command-click
(Mac) a track name in the Track column to
extend the selection to include already-se-
lected tracks without including tracks in-


To save recorded audio files to an existing

folder (without creating another session folder),
select Customize Allocation Options, then click

and choose the folder. To create subfold-

ers in this folder, select the Create Subfolders for
Audio, Video, and Fade Files



To automatically distribute any newly created

tracks among the drives connected to your sys-
tem, select the Use Round Robin Allocation for New


If you are using Round Robin Allocation and
want audio to be recorded to your system’s start-
up drive, do the following:

• Open the Workspace browser (Window >

Workspace) and set the Volume Designator
for your system volume to R (Record and
Playback). See “Workspace Volume Desig-
nation” on page 363


When you are finished, click OK.

Saving Disk Allocation Settings

To save Disk Allocation settings for use with fu-
ture sessions, save the session as a template. For
details, see “Session Templates” on page 123.

Disk Allocation and Cross-Platform

To ensure cross-platform operation, it is re-
quired that Mac Pro Tools sessions and their as-
sociated audio files be on Mac-formatted (HFS or
HFS+) drives. Windows Pro Tools sessions and
their associated audio files must be on Win-
dows-formatted NTFS drives.

Round Robin Allocation is not supported
with partitioned hard drives.

If you want to exclude individual, valid,
mounted volumes from Round Robin Allo-
cation passes, open the Workspace browser
and make the volume safe, by designating it
as P (Playback only) or T (Transfer). For
more information, see “Audio and Video
Volume Designators” on page 261

See “Saving Copies of Mac Sessions to be
Compatible with Windows” on page 314
and “Sharing Sessions Created on Different
Computer Platforms” on page 312.

On Windows, with the Digidesign HFS+
Disk Support option installed, you can
record to and play back from Mac-formatted
HFS+ drives. For more information, see the
Mac HFS+ Disk Support Option Guide.