Bypassing plug-ins – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 915

Chapter 41: Plug-in and Hardware Inserts
Bypassing Plug-ins
Plug-ins can be bypassed from their Plug-in win-
dow, or from the Mix and Edit window Inserts
To bypass a plug-in, do one of the following:
Click the Plug-in window’s Effect Bypass but-
– or –
Control-click (Windows) or Command-click
(Mac) the plug-in’s Insert button in the Mix or
Edit window.
When a plug-in is bypassed, its Insert button
turns blue. If only some of the channels of a
multi-mono plug-in are bypassed, its Insert but-
ton turns purple.
Linking and Unlinking Controls
on Multi-Mono Plug-ins
When a multi-mono plug-in is used on a stereo
track or greater-than-stereo multichannel track
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with Complete
Production Toolkit Only), the controls are
linked by default. Adjusting the Gain control on
one channel, for example, will adjust it for all
You can unlink multi-mono plug-in controls on
specific channels of a track and edit them inde-
pendently. You can also selectively link the con-
trols of specific channels.
To unlink controls on a multi-mono plug-in:
Deselect the Master Link button.
To access controls for a specific channel:
Select the channel from the Channel selector.
To link the controls of specific channels:
Deselect the Master Link button if it is not al-
ready deselected.
When a plug-in insert is bypassed, the In-
sert selector in the Mix window changes its
color to blue for easy visual reference. If
some, but not all channels of an unlinked
multi-mono plug-in are bypassed, the Insert
selector appears purple.
Indication of bypassed plug-in state
bypassed (blue)
not bypassed
Channel selector and Link controls (shown with Link
Channel Selector
Link Enable buttons
Master Link button