M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 249

Chapter 14: DigiBase
To open an AAF or OMF sequence from a DigiBase
Do one of the following:
• With no Pro Tools session currently open,
double-click the AAF or OMF sequence in a
– or –
• Drag the AAF or OMF sequence from a
browser to the Timeline in an open session.
Configure the Import Session Data dialog.
Click OK.
Creating and Opening Folders
Browsers let you create and manipulate folders
(file system sub-directories). All folders have Ex-
pand/Collapse icons to show their contents.
Dragging items onto a folder icon is the same as
dragging into an open browser.
To create a new folder in a Volume browser or
Choose New Folder from the Browser menu.
Type a name for the folder, and click OK.
(Click Cancel to cancel the new folder.)
In Volume browsers, the folder is created on
disk. In Catalogs, the folder is created in the Cat-
alog only. The Items List updates as new items
are added.
To open a folder in the current browser:
Double-click the folder, or click the Ex-
pand/Collapse icon for the item.
To create and open a folder in its own new
Control-double-click (Windows) or Com-
mand-double-click (Mac) the folder. The previ-
ous (parent) Browser window remains open.
Scrolling and Moving Selections
To scroll the active pane up or down:
Press the Page Up or Page Down key.
To scroll to the top or bottom of the active pane:
Press Home (for the top) or End (for the bot-
To move items up or down in the current browser:
Select items in a browser, and make sure that
window is in the foreground.
Press the Up or Down Arrow key.
Text Entry in Browsers
Many text fields can be edited to replace or up-
date data for an item.
For more information on importing AAF
and OMF sequences, see the DigiTranslator
With the browser in the foreground and the
folder selected, press Control+Down Arrow
key (Windows) or Command+Down Arrow
key (Mac) to open a folder in the current
With the browser in the foreground and the
folder selected, press Control+Alt+Down
Arrow key (Windows) or Command+Op-
tion+Down Arrow key (Mac) to open a
folder in its own new browser.