M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 350

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Time Code
Moves back or forward in one-second
steps (while adjusting for current SMPTE for-
Moves back or forward in one-foot
Moves back or forward in one-second
Setting Playback Location with
Back and Forward Commands
(Pro Tools HD Only)
Pro Tools provides four Back/Forward com-
mands (sometimes called “rollback”) for mov-
ing the playback location in the Edit window.
You can also move the playback location in
multiple increments by repeating the command
(See “Repeating Back/Forward Commands” on
page 333).
Moves the playback location backward by
the Back/Forward Amount.
Back and Play
Moves the current playback loca-
tion backward by the Back/Forward Amount and
automatically begins playback.
Moves the playback location forward by
the Back/Forward Amount.
Forward and Play
Moves the current playback lo-
cation forward by the Back/Forward Amount
and automatically begins playback.
Setting the Back/Forward Amount
The length of the Back/Forward move is deter-
mined by the Back/Forward Amount preference
in the Operation page (Setup > Preferences).
To configure the Back/Forward Amount:
Choose Setup > Preferences and click the Op-
eration tab.
The timebase of the Back/Forward Amount set-
tings follows the Main Time Scale by default, or
you can deselect Follow Main Time and select
any of the following timebase formats:
• Bars|Beats
• Min:Sec
• Time Code
• Feet+Frames
• Samples
Do one of the following:
• Select a preset amount in the Back/Forward
pop-up menu.
– or –
• In the Back/Forward Amount field, enter a
custom amount.
Using Back or Forward Commands
To move the playback location backward by the
Back/Forward Amount:
Press Control (Windows) or Command (Mac),
and click Rewind in the Transport window.
To move the playback location forward by the
Back/Forward Amount:
Press Control (Windows) or Command (Mac),
and click Fast Forward in the Transport window.
To move the playback location backward by the
Back/Forward Amount and then begin playback:
Press Control+Alt (Windows) or Com-
mand+Option (Mac), and click Rewind in the
Transport window.
Back/Forward commands also work when
controlling a 9-pin device. See the Machine-
Control Guide for details.