Transpose – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 834

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Click Apply. The durations for the selected
notes are reduced by 50%.
With this option you may have to experiment
with the percentage value to achieve the desired
To make notes more legato:
Select the range of MIDI notes to be edited.
Choose Event > Event Operations > Change Du-
Select the Legato option.
From the Legato pop-up menu, select Overlap.
Enter 0|000 for the amount of overlap.
Click Apply.
The end points for the selected notes are ex-
tended to the start point of the next note,
thereby eliminating the space between each
While the Grabber tools can be used to manu-
ally transpose individual MIDI notes, or small
groups of notes, the Transpose command can be
used for entire MIDI tracks and regions. One of
the more common uses for Transpose is to
change the key for your MIDI tracks. You can
define an Edit Group for MIDI tracks that you
want to transpose, making sure to exclude any
drum tracks from the group so they aren’t trans-
posed. You can even transpose in key.
The Transpose command can also be applied to
whole regions on Elastic Audio-enabled tracks
using the Polyphonic, Rhythmic, or X-Form
Transpose By (Octaves)
Transposes selected
MIDI notes by up to +/– 10 octaves, or trans-
poses selected Elastic Audio regions up to +/– 2
Transpose By (Semitones)
Transposes selected
MIDI notes up or down chromatically by up to
+/–127 semitones, or transposes selected Elastic
Audio regions up or down chromatically by up
to +/– 48 semitones (4 octaves).
You can also transpose MIDI notes nonde-
structively in real-time using MIDI Real-
Time Properties. See “MIDI Real-Time
Properties” on page 604.
For information on Transposing Elastic Au-
dio regions, see “Elastic Audio Region-
Based Pitch Shifting” on page 790.
Elastic Audio pitch transposition is not sup-
ported with the Monophonic algorithm.
Elastic Audio pitch transposition cannot be
applied to looped regions or region groups.
Event Operations window, Transpose