Chapter 40: basic mixing, Mixing concepts, Metering and calibration – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Chapter 40: Basic Mixing


Chapter 40: Basic Mixing

In addition to the final mixdown, mixing tasks
can occur any time during a session. This chap-
ter covers Pro Tools mixing, including audio sig-
nal flow, output and bus paths, sends, and sig-
nal routing for submixing and mixdown.

During mixing, real-time plug-ins and hardware
inserts provide effects and signal processing (see
Chapter 41, “Plug-in and Hardware Inserts”).

Mixing Concepts

Mixing involves making decisions about ele-
ments such as volume levels, panning, and ef-
fects in your studio. While you can control
many variables in your studio (such as speakers
and room acoustics), you cannot control the lis-
tening environment in which your final mix
will be heard. The following tips will help you
make your mix sound as good as possible to as
many listeners as possible:

Alternate Speakers and Reference

Listen to your mixes on a variety of

different speakers to gauge how well the mix
will translate to different playback systems.

Reference Mixes

Make audio CDs and MP3-en-

coded files of rough mixes and audition them
outside the studio in different listening environ-

Format Compatibility Monitoring

Check stereo

mixes for compatibility with mono playback
systems, and multichannel surround mixes for
compatibility with stereo playback systems. (see
the Pro Tools Sync & Surround Concepts Guide).

Metering and Calibration

Meters provide a visual display of signal levels.
They tell whether signal is getting to a channel,
and how loud or soft a signal is relative to (above
or below) “0.”

By calibrating all your equipment to standard
reference levels, a consistent level can be
achieved (and metered) among different record-
ing devices in a studio, throughout a facility, or
throughout an entire production chain. For ex-
ample, a level of –18 dBFS coming out of a DAT
deck should play and meter at –18 dBFS in
Pro Tools.

Calibrating Audio Interfaces

(Pro Tools|HD with 192 I/O Only)

If you are using a Pro Tools|HD system with a
192 I/O audio interface, use the Calibration Ref-
erence Level option (in the Operation Prefer-
ences page) to set the reference level when
Pro Tools is in Calibration mode.

For instructions on calibrating a 192 I/O
Audio Interface, see the 192 I/O Guide.