Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 993

Create a selection area to measure values such as height, width, perimeter, area, and pixel gray values. You can measure one selection or
several selections at once.
Draw a line with the Ruler tool to measure linear distance and angle.
Use the Count tool to count items on the image, then record the number of items. See Counting objects in an image (Photoshop Extended).
Each measurement measures one or more data points. The data points you select determine the information recorded in the Measurement
log. Data points correspond to the type of tool you’re measuring with. Area, perimeter, height, and width are available data points for
measuring selections. Length and angle are available data points for Ruler tool measurements. You can create and save sets of data points
for particular types of measurements to speed your workflow.
1. Open an existing document.
2. Choose Analysis > Set Measurement Scale and choose a measurement scale preset for the document (see
), or choose Custom and set a custom measurement scale.
Measurements are computed and recorded in the Measurement Log using the scale units in effect when a measurement is recorded. If no
measurement scale exists, the default scale is 1 pixel = 1 pixel.
3. (Optional) Choose Analysis > Select Data Points and do one of the following:
Choose Custom to select data points to measure.
Select an existing data point preset from the submenu.
In the Select Data Points dialog box, data points are grouped according to the measurement tool that can measure them. The Common data
points are available for all tools. They add useful information to the Measurement Log such as the name of the file being measured, the
measurement scale, and the date/time of the measurement.
By default all data points are selected. You can select a subset of data points for a particular type of measurement, then save the
combination as a data point preset.
When you measure with a particular tool, only the data points associated with that tool are displayed in the log, even if other data
points are selected. For example, if you make a measurement with the Ruler tool, only the Ruler tool data points appear in the Measurement
Log, along with any Common data points that are selected.
4. Choose an image feature and measurement tool to match the selected data points. Do one of the following:
Create one or more selections on the image.
Choose Analysis > Ruler Tool, or click the Ruler tool in the toolbox, then use the tool to measure the length of an image area.
Choose Analysis > Count Tool, or click the Count tool in the toolbox, then count items in the image.
5. Choose Window > Measurement Log to open the Measurement Log panel.
6. Choose Analysis > Record Measurements, or click Record Measurements in the Measurement Log panel.
If your currently selected data points do not correspond to the current measurement tool, you are asked to select data points for that
The Measurement log has columns for each data point you selected in the Measurement Data Points dialog box. Each measurement you
make enters a new row of data in the Measurement Log.
If you measure multiple selected areas on the image, one row of data is created in the log containing summary or cumulative data for all
selected areas, followed by a row of data for each selection area. Each selection area is listed as a separate Feature in the Label column of
the log and assigned a unique number.
You can repeat steps 2 through 6 for a variety of different selections in the same or multiple documents. The Document column in the
Measurement Log reflects the source of the measurement data.