Adobe Illustrator CS3 User Manual
Adobe, Illustrator
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Chapter 1: Getting started
- Chapter 2: Work area
- Chapter 3: Drawing
- Chapter 4: Color
- About color
- Selecting colors
- Using and creating swatches
- About swatches
- About swatch libraries
- Swatches panel overview
- Add colors from artwork to Swatches panel
- Share swatches between applications
- Create a process-color swatch
- Create spot-color swatches
- Display and output spot colors using Lab values
- Swatch options
- Change the tint of a color
- Create gradient swatches
- Managing swatches
- Working with color groups
- About color groups
- Color Guide overview
- Create a color harmony using the Color Guide
- Color artwork with colors from the Color Guide
- Save Color Guide colors to the Swatches panel
- Live Color overview
- Create a color group in Live Color
- Edit colors in the Live Color dialog box
- Assign colors to your artwork
- Reduce colors in your artwork
- Adjusting colors
- Shift an out-of-gamut color to a printable color
- Shift a color to a web-safe color
- Blend colors
- Change a color to its inverse or complement
- Invert multiple colors
- Adjust color balance of one or more colors
- Convert colors to grayscale
- Convert grayscale images to RGB or CMYK
- Colorize grayscale or 1-bit images
- Adjust the saturation of multiple colors
- Mix overlapping colors
- Chapter 5: Color management
- Understanding color management
- Keeping colors consistent
- Color-managing imported images
- Color-managing documents for online viewing
- Proofing colors
- Color-managing documents when printing
- Working with color profiles
- About color profiles
- About monitor calibration and characterization
- Calibrate and profile your monitor
- Install a color profile
- Embed a color profile
- Embed a color profile (Acrobat)
- Changing the color profile for a document
- Assign or remove a color profile (Illustrator, Photoshop)
- Assign or remove a color profile (InDesign)
- Convert document colors to another profile (Photoshop)
- Convert document colors to another profile
- Color settings
- Chapter 6: Painting
- Chapter 7: Selecting and arranging objects
- Selecting objects
- Options for selecting objects
- Specify selection preferences
- Isolate groups and sublayers
- Select objects using the Layers panel
- Select objects with the Selection tool
- Select objects with the Lasso tool
- Select objects with the Magic Wand tool
- Select filled objects
- Select groups and objects in a group
- Select faces and edges in a Live Paint group
- Live Paint Selection tool options
- Select the next object in the stacking order
- Select objects by characteristic
- Repeat or invert a selection
- Save a selection
- Grouping and expanding objects
- Moving, aligning, and distributing objects
- Rotating and reflecting objects
- Using layers
- Locking, hiding, and deleting objects
- Stacking objects
- Duplicating objects
- Selecting objects
- Chapter 8: Reshaping objects
- Chapter 9: Importing, exporting, and saving
- Importing files
- About linked and embedded artwork
- Place (import) files
- Links panel overview
- View and save metadata via the Links panel
- View file information about linked or embedded artwork
- Update modified links
- Restore a single missing link or replace link with a different source file
- Set placement options for linked artwork
- Embed a linked file
- Unembed a linked file
- Relink an embedded file
- Edit original artwork
- Importing bitmap images
- Importing Adobe PDF files
- Importing EPS, DCS, and AutoCAD files
- Importing artwork from Photoshop
- Saving artwork
- Exporting artwork
- Creating Adobe PDF files
- Adobe PDF options
- File information and metadata
- Importing files
- Chapter 10: Type
- Creating and importing type
- Working with area type
- Working with type on a path
- Scaling and rotating type
- Spelling and language dictionaries
- Fonts
- Formatting type
- Selecting type
- Find and replace text
- Change the color and appearance of characters
- Character panel overview
- Underline or strike through text
- Apply all caps and small caps
- Change capitalization styles
- Specify curly or straight quotes
- Set anti-aliasing options for type
- Creating superscripts or subscripts
- Convert type to outlines
- Choose a number style in OpenType fonts
- Format fractions and ordinals in OpenType fonts
- Use smart punctuation
- Line and character spacing
- Special characters
- About character sets and alternate glyphs
- Glyphs panel overview
- OpenType panel overview
- Insert or replace a character using the Glyphs panel
- Highlight alternate glyphs in the text
- Ligatures and contextual alternates
- Use ligatures and contextual alternates
- Use swashes, titling alternates, or stylistic alternates
- Show or hide nonprinting characters
- Formatting paragraphs
- Hyphenation and line breaks
- Tabs
- Character and paragraph styles
- Exporting text
- Formatting Asian characters
- Display Asian type options
- Set Asian OpenType font attributes
- Replace Asian characters with a different glyph form
- Specify how leading is measured in Asian type
- Rotate half-width characters in vertical text
- Use tate-chu-yoko
- Use aki
- Use warichu
- Use mojisoroe to align Asian characters
- Use mojikumi
- Use kinsoku
- Specify a burasagari option
- Use kurikaeshi moji shori
- Creating composite fonts
- Updating text from Illustrator 10
- Chapter 11: Creating special effects
- Appearance attributes
- About appearance attributes
- Appearance panel overview
- Specify how appearance attributes are applied to new objects
- Targeting items for appearance attributes
- Duplicate an appearance attribute
- Change the stacking order of appearance attributes
- Remove appearance attributes
- Copy appearance attributes between objects
- Working with effects and filters
- Summary of effects and filters
- Effects and filters quick reference
- Artistic filters and effects
- Blur filters and effects
- Brush Strokes filters and effects
- Distort filters and effects (bottom of menu)
- Pixelate filters and effects
- Sharpen filter and effect
- Sketch filters and effects
- Stylize filter and effect (bottom of menu)
- Texture filters and effects
- Video filters and effects
- Use texture and glass surface controls
- Drop shadows, glows, and feathering
- Creating sketches and mosaics
- Changing vector graphics to bitmap images
- Graphic styles
- Appearance attributes
- Chapter 12: Web graphics
- Best practices for creating web graphics
- Slices and image maps
- Creating animations
- Optimizing images
- Save For Web & Devices overview
- Optimize an image for the web
- Save or delete optimization presets
- Work with slices in the Save For Web & Devices dialog box
- Compress a web graphic to a specific file size
- Resize artwork while optimizing
- Generate CSS layers for web graphics
- Preview optimized images in a web browser
- Web graphics optimization options
- Web graphic formats
- JPEG optimization options
- GIF and PNG-8 optimization options
- Optimize transparency in GIF and PNG images
- View the color table for an optimized slice
- Customize the color table for GIF and PNG-8 images
- PNG-24 optimization options
- WBMP optimization options
- SWF optimization options (Illustrator)
- SVG optimization options (Illustrator)
- Output settings for web graphics
- Chapter 13: Printing
- Basic printing tasks
- Printing color separations
- Setting up pages for printing
- Printer’s marks and bleed
- PostScript printing
- Printing with color management
- Printing gradients, meshes, and color blends
- Printing and saving transparent artwork
- About flattening
- File formats that retain transparency
- Set transparency flattening options for printing
- Transparency Flattener options
- Preview which areas of artwork will be flattened
- Flattener Preview panel overview
- About transparency flattener presets
- Create or edit a transparency flattener preset
- Export and import a custom transparency flattener preset
- Rename or delete a custom transparency flattener preset
- Flatten transparency for individual objects
- Rasterize all artwork during printing
- Overprinting
- Trapping
- Print presets
- Chapter 14: Automating tasks
- Chapter 15: Graphs
- Creating graphs
- Formatting graphs
- Formatting and customizing graphs
- Change the graph type
- Format a graph’s axes
- Assign different scales to the value axes
- Format columns, bars, and lines
- General graph options
- Add drop shadows
- Change the position of a legend
- Format pie graphs
- Combine different graph types
- Select parts of a graph
- Format the text in a graph
- Adding pictures and symbols to graphs
- Chapter 16: Keyboard shortcuts
- Customizing keyboard shortcuts
- Default keyboard shortcuts
- Keys for selecting tools
- Keys for viewing artwork
- Keys for drawing
- Keys for selecting
- Keys for moving selections
- Keys for editing shapes
- Keys for painting objects
- Keys for working with Live Paint groups
- Keys for transforming objects
- Keys for working with type
- Keys for using panels
- Keys for the Actions panel
- Keys for the Brushes panel
- Keys for the Character and Paragraph panels
- Keys for the Color panel
- Keys for the Gradient panel
- Keys for the Layers panel
- Keys for the Swatches panel
- Keys for the Transform panel
- Keys for the Transparency panel
- Function keys
- Index
- Numerics
- A
- Accented Edges command 358
- accessibility
- Acrobat. See Adobe Acrobat
- action playback speed 437
- action sets 439
- actions 51
- Actions palette
- activation of software 1
- Actual Size command 43
- Add (Pathfinder) effect 231
- Add Anchor Point tool 26
- Add New Fill command 157
- Add New Stroke command 157
- additive colors 93
- Adjust Colors filter 125
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Design Center 9
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe Flash, exporting text to 331
- Adobe GoLive
- Adobe Graphics Server 442, 446
- Adobe Help 2
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Illustrator files
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe PDF conversion settings 278
- Adobe PDF. See PDF files
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe RGB color space 147
- Adobe Version Cue
- Adobe Video Workshop 5
- AI file format. See Adobe Illustrator
- AI files. See Adobe Illustrator files
- AIPrefs file 50
- AIT files 36
- aki 335
- Align panel 205
- alignment guides 48
- All Artwork Above (Hide) command 215
- All Artwork Above (Lock) command 215
- all caps, in type 309
- All On Same Layers command 196
- ALT text 373
- AlterCast. See Adobe Graphics Server
- alternate glyphs
- anchor points
- angle of rotation 207, 208
- Angled Strokes command 358
- animations
- annotations
- anti-aliasing
- appearance attributes
- AppleScript 441
- Apply SVG Filter command 376
- arcs
- area graphs
- area type
- Area Type tool 28
- Arrange (Object) commands 217
- arrowheads, adding to lines 156
- art brushes 166, 172
- artboard
- Artistic effects and filters
- artwork
- ASCII file format 291
- Asian type. See type, Asian
- Assign Profile command 144, 145
- auto slices 372
- AutoCAD file formats 269
- automation. See actions
- Average command 73
- axes
- B
- background color
- background images 400
- banding, in blends and gradients 416
- bar graphs
- Bas Relief command 360
- base (nonemulsion side) 405
- base color, setting for color group 110
- baseline offset 293
- baseline shift 314
- Basic CMYK new document profile 33
- Basic RGB new document profile 33
- batch processing 439, 440
- bevel joins, for strokes 155
- bevels, for 3D objects 250
- bitmap images
- black point compensation 149
- black-and-white artwork 96
- bleeds
- Blend tool 29, 240
- Blending Mode (Select Same) command 201
- Blending Mode command 181
- blending modes
- blends
- Bloat tool 29
- Blur effects and filters 358
- BMP file format 269
- Bottom-to-bottom leading 334
- bounding boxes
- Bridge Home 8
- Bridge. See Adobe Bridge
- brightness
- Bring Forward command 217
- Bring To Front command 217
- brochure templates 36
- browser dithering 388
- browser-safe colors. See web-safe colors
- brush strokes
- brushes
- bunri-kinshi 340
- burasagari 323, 340
- business card templates 36
- Button Mode command 434
- C
- calligraphic brushes 76, 166, 170
- capitalization, changing 309
- caps, for strokes 155
- Cascade command 45
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- category axis, for graphs 451
- center point 53
- certificate templates 36
- Chalk & Charcoal command 360
- Change Case commands 309
- character spacing 321
- character styles
- characters
- Charcoal command 360
- Check Spelling command 301
- choke trap 426
- chroma 95
- Chrome command 360
- circular grids 59
- Clean Up (Path) command 292
- Clear command 216
- Clear Guides command 48
- Clip To Artboard command 374
- clipboard, importing and exporting artwork with 218
- clipping masks
- Close Path command in InDesign 64, 66, 68
- closed paths
- CMS. See color matching systems
- CMYK spot colors 97
- color bars 408
- Color blending mode 180
- color blends, printing 414
- Color Burn blending mode 180
- Color Dodge blending mode 180
- color gamuts 128
- color groups
- Color Guide panel
- Color Halftone command 359
- color management
- See also color profiles, color settings
- about 128, 129, 130
- color settings reference 146
- considerations for importing images 134, 135
- considerations for printing documents 139
- considerations for process and spot colors 133
- creating a viewing environment 130
- for online graphics 136
- for PDFs 136, 140
- setting up 131
- soft-proofing colors 137, 138
- synchronizing color settings 132
- color model working space 144
- color models
- Color panel
- Color Picker 100
- color profiles
- color reduction options 123
- color separations
- color settings
- color spaces 93, 96
- Color Table palette 391
- color tables
- color variations
- Colored Pencil command 357
- colorizing
- colors
- See also color management, color model
- adjusting multiple colors 125
- applying to objects 151, 152
- applying to type 307
- blending 125, 127, 182
- changing to complement 125
- color-matching libraries 102, 106
- comparing in InDesign and Illustrator 98
- converting to grayscale 126
- deleting 393
- editing in Live Color 112, 116
- gradients 182
- in blending modes 179
- in digital graphics 93
- inverting 125
- locking in Color Table palette 393
- mapping to transparency 393
- mixing 127
- mixing spot and process inks 98
- out-of-gamut 124
- printable 124
- process 102, 105
- range of 96
- reducing for output 122
- removing 156
- saturating 126
- selecting 99, 100, 101
- shifting to Web palette 392
- spot 97, 102, 105
- Swatches panel 102, 103
- tints 102, 107
- web-safe 124, 370
- column and marker designs. See graph designs
- Column command (graphs) 459
- column graphs
- columns of text, creating 294
- Combine Slices command 374
- combining objects
- complementary colors, changing to 125
- composite fonts
- composites
- composition methods 325
- compound paths
- compound shapes
- compression
- conserving paper and film 407
- consolidating layers 214
- constraining movements 203
- Conté Crayon command 360
- content, protecting 287
- contextual alternates 318
- continuous-tone images, printing 403
- Control panel 17
- conversion settings
- Convert Anchor Point tool 26, 74
- Convert To Grayscale filter 126
- Convert To Profile command 145
- Convert To Shape effect 243
- converting smooth points to corner points 67
- copying objects
- corner radius, changing 56
- corners, rounding 244
- correcting mistakes 51
- Craquelure command 361
- Create (Threaded Text) command 295
- Create From Guides command 372, 373, 374
- Create From Selection command 372, 373, 374
- Create Outlines command 312
- Crop (Pathfinder) effect 232
- Crop Marks command 41
- cropping artwork
- Crosshatch command 358
- Crystallize command 359
- Crystallize tool 29
- CSS layers, generating 385
- curves
- Cutout command 357
- cutting objects 235
- D
- Dark Strokes command 358
- Darken blending mode 180
- dashed lines 155
- dashes, en and em 313
- data sets, creating 444
- data-driven graphics
- date and time, displayed in status bar 16
- DCS file format, importing 261
- Default Fill And Stroke button 152
- default workspace
- De-Interlace command 362
- Delete All command 374
- Delete Anchor Point tool 26
- Delete Color command 394
- Delete Workspace command 22
- deleting
- Deselect All Colors command 392
- Deselect command 201
- Design Center 9
- designs, graph. See graph designs
- desktop printers, color profiles for 139
- devices, color gamut of 96
- dialog boxes
- DIC color system 102
- dictionaries
- Difference blending mode 180
- Diffuse Glow command 359
- diffusion dither 389
- digital cameras, color gamut of 96
- digital masters 276
- Direct Selection tool 68
- direction lines and points
- direction points and lines
- Distort & Transform effect 243
- distorting objects
- distributing objects 205, 206
- dithering
- Divide (Pathfinder) effect 231
- Divide Objects Below command 236
- Divide Slices command 374
- dividing objects 235
- document clipping path, in Photoshop files 263
- Document Info command 288
- document profiles. See color profiles
- document raster effects settings 352
- documents
- downloading fonts 412
- downloads 10
- downsampling, in PDF files 282
- dpi (dots per inch) 402
- drawing
- drop shadows
- Dry Brush command 357
- duotones
- Duplicate Swatch command 107
- duplicating objects 203
- DXF/DWG file format 269
- dynamic objects 444
- Dynamic text 331
- E
- Edit Custom Dictionary command 301
- Edit Original command 257
- Edit Selection command 201
- Edit Views command 45
- effects
- Ellipse tool 26, 57
- embedded files
- EMF file format 269
- EMF files
- empty cells 398
- emulsion options 405
- en and em dashes, smart punctuation option 313
- endpoints
- envelope templates 36
- envelopes 226, 227, 228, 229
- EPS file format
- EPS files
- EPS format
- erasing artwork 26, 75
- Every-line Composer 325
- Exclude (Pathfinder) effect 231
- Exclusion blending mode 180
- Expand (Blend) command 243
- Expand (Envelope) command 228
- Expand Appearance command 169, 202
- Expand command 202
- Expand Compound Shape command 233
- expanding
- exporting artwork
- exporting text 331
- Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) 287
- extra spaces, eliminating 313
- Extras 7
- extruding objects 245
- Eyedropper tool
- F
- Feather effect 363
- file formats
- File Handling & Clipboard preferences 256, 261, 418
- File Info command 255
- files
- fills
- film
- Film Grain command 357
- filters
- Find And Replace command 307
- Find Next command 307
- first baseline offset 293
- First Column In Front option, for graphs 453
- first line indents 321
- First Object Above (Select) command 201
- First Row In Front option, for graphs 453
- Fit Headline command 295
- Fit In Window command 43
- Flare tool 26
- Flash
- Flash graphics
- Flash. See Adobe Flash
- Flatten Transparency command 424
- Flattener Preview panel 46, 422
- flattening
- flexographic printing 408
- floating boxes. See CSS layers
- FOCOLTONE color system 102
- font installation 2
- fonts
- form fields, securing 287
- four-color process printing 94
- fractional character widths 316
- fractions
- frames, splitting 77
- Free Distort effect 243
- Free Transform tool
- Fresco command 357, 362
- Full Screen mode 16
- function keys 471
- G
- gamut, of colors 96, 124
- gamuts 128
- Gaussian Blur command 358
- General preferences
- GIF file format
- Glass command 359, 362
- global colors
- Glowing Edges command 361
- glows, creating 363
- glyphs
- GoLive. See Adobe GoLive
- gradients
- about 182
- applying last-selected 152
- applying to objects 153, 182, 184
- calculating maximum blend length 416
- changing direction of 184
- creating and modifying 182
- creating new 183
- Gradient panel 182
- Gradient panel shortcuts 469
- Gradient tool 28, 50
- in graphs 451
- in SWF (Flash) files 379
- printing 183, 414
- proper screen frequency for printing 415
- spot colors 183
- swatches for 102, 107
- Grain command 361, 362
- graph designs
- Graphic Pen command 360
- graphic styles
- graphics
- graphs
- graphs, formatting
- gray levels, for printing 415
- grayscale images
- greeting card templates 36
- grids
- Group command 202
- Group Selection tool 25, 193, 199
- groups
- guides
- Guides & Grid preferences 48
- GyoumatsuYakumonoHankaku mojikumi set 338
- GyoumatsuYakumonoZenkaku mojikumi set 338
- H
- Halftone Pattern command 360
- halftoning, resolution for 402
- Hand tool 33, 44
- hanging indents 322
- hanging punctuation 323
- Hard Light blending mode 180
- Hard Mix effect 127
- harmony rules
- headlines, fitting across text 295
- Help
- High Quality Print, PDF preset 278
- hiragana fonts 333
- HKS color system 102
- horizontal (landscape) page orientation 407
- horizontal type, converting to vertical 301
- host-based separations 405
- hotspots, in web graphics 375
- HSB color model 95
- hue 95
- Hue blending mode 180
- hyphenation 302, 324
- I
- ICC profiles
- icons
- Illustrator. See Adobe Illustrator
- image exposure 405
- image maps
- images
- imagesetting
- Import SVG Filter command 377
- importing
- in ports 295
- indenting text 321
- indents, hanging 322
- InDesign. See Adobe InDesign
- Info panel 50
- Ink Outlines command 358
- ink preview 46
- Inner Glow effect 363
- input device profiles 141, 143
- Input text 331
- in-RIP separations 405
- Insert Stop command 436
- inset spacing for type 293
- instances, symbol 82
- interactivity
- International Color Consortium (ICC) 130
- Intersect (Pathfinder) effect 231
- intersecting shapes
- Inverse (Select) command 201
- inverting colors 125
- ISO standards 281
- isolation mode
- J
- K
- L
- Lab color model 96
- label templates 36
- landscape (horizontal) page orientation 407
- language
- Lasso tool 193, 196
- Last Object Below (Select) command 201
- layer comps, in Photoshop files 262
- layers
- about 211
- adding objects to 216
- consolidating 214
- converting to CSS layers 385
- creating 213
- duplicating objects in 217
- exporting to Adobe Photoshop 274
- groups within 201
- hiding 215
- Layers panel 211, 347
- locating items in 214
- locking and unlocking 215
- making nonprintable 401
- moving objects between 213
- pasting objects into 205
- preserving in Adobe Acrobat 282
- releasing objects to 213
- selecting objects in 193, 196
- stacking order 217
- sublayers, isolation mode 195
- template 78
- viewing as outlines 45
- Layers panel 348
- leading
- legacy text 344, 345
- legends, for graphs 453
- letter spacing 315, 321
- letterhead templates 36
- libraries
- ligatures 318
- Lighten blending mode 180
- lighting 3D objects 245, 246
- limit-check error 403, 411
- line breaks, showing 319
- line graphs
- Line Segment tool 26, 56
- lines
- lining numbers 312
- Linked File variables 442, 444
- linked files
- linking
- links
- liquify tools 226
- Live Color dialog box
- live effects. See effects
- Live Paint
- LiveDocs 2
- Load Actions command 439
- loading
- Lock All Layers command 215
- Lock Guides command 48
- Lock/Unlock Selected Colors command 393
- locking objects 215
- lpi (lines per inch) 402
- Luminosity blending mode 181
- M
- Macromedia FreeHand, importing paths from 234
- Magic Wand tool 25, 193, 197
- magnifying artwork 43
- Make (Blend) command 241
- Make (Clipping Mask) command 238
- Make (Compound Path) command 234
- Make (Envelope) commands 227
- Make (Slice) command 372
- Make Guides command 48
- Make Text Wrap command 297
- Manage Workspaces command 22
- mapping 3D objects 251
- mapping colors to transparency 393
- Marker command (graphs) 459
- marker designs. See graph designs
- masks
- mathematical operations in text boxes 16
- Maximized Screen mode 16
- Measure tool 28, 49
- Merge (Pathfinder) effect 232
- merging
- mesh grid envelopes 226
- meshes
- metadata
- Mezzotint command 359
- Microsoft
- Minus Back (Pathfinder) effect 231
- misregistration of inks 426
- mistakes, undoing 51
- miter options 155
- Mobile new document profile 33
- modal controls, in actions 436
- Mojikumi 339
- mojikumi 337, 338
- monitor profiles 141, 142, 143
- monitors, color gamut of 96
- monotones, imported from PDF files 260
- Move command 204
- moving objects
- multinational language features 291
- Multiple Master fonts 304
- multiple pages, creating PDF with 277
- Multiply blending mode 180
- N
- navigation shortcuts 4
- Navigator panel 44
- negative film 405
- Neon Glow command 357
- nested groups 201
- New Action command 434
- New Color command 391
- new document profiles 33
- New View command 45
- Next Object (Select) commands 201
- No Break command 325
- noise
- None button, for fills and strokes 152
- None swatch, for fills and strokes 102
- non-native art 260
- nonprintable area 41
- nonprinting characters 319
- nonrecordable tasks, in actions 435
- Normal blending mode 180
- Note Paper command 360
- NTSC Colors command 362
- nudging anchor points and path segments 71
- numbers, formatting 312
- O
- Object (Select) commands 201
- objects
- 3D. See 3D objects
- aligning and distributing 205, 206
- combining 229, 234
- creating layers from 213
- cutting or dividing 235
- default attributes 347
- deleting 216
- duplicating 217
- expanding 202
- hiding 215
- locking and unlocking 215
- masking 237
- moving 47, 48, 203, 205
- offsetting 355
- organizing with layers 211
- rasterizing 365
- reflecting 209
- reshaping 226, 243
- rotating 206
- scaling 222
- selecting 193
- shearing 224
- Smart Guides 48
- stacking order of 216
- viewing 211
- warping 243
- Ocean Ripple command 359
- offset objects, creating 355
- Offset Path command 219
- oldstyle figures 312
- online resources 7
- line graphs
- opacity
- Open command
- open passwords, in PDFs 286
- open paths
- OpenType fonts
- optical margin alignment 323
- Optimize palette
- optimizing
- optimizing web graphics
- ordinals 313
- Other Layers (Hide) command 215
- Other Layers (Lock) command 215
- Other Library command 109
- out ports 295
- Outer Glow effect 363
- Outline (Pathfinder) effect 232
- Outline Object effect 312
- Outline Stroke command 156
- outlines, viewing 45
- outlining shapes
- out-of-gamut colors
- output device profiles 139, 141, 143
- Output Settings dialog box
- overflow text 289, 295
- Overlay blending mode 180
- Overprint Preview command 425
- overprinting
- oversized documents, printing 408
- Oversized Pages, PDF preset 278
- P
- page information, printing and 408
- Page tool 33, 406
- pages
- Paint Daubs command 357
- Paintbrush tool 28, 168
- painting
- painting order. See stacking order
- Palette Knife command 357
- palettes
- panel menu, displaying 15
- panels
- PANTONE color system 102
- paper stretch, during printing 427
- paragraph styles 329, 330
- Paragraph Styles panel
- paragraphs
- passwords, in PDFs 286
- Patchwork command 361
- Path Eraser tool 75
- path segments
- Path Type tool 28
- Pathfinder effects
- paths
- See also anchor points, lines, shapes, clipping paths
- about 52
- adding to 62
- adjusting angle and length 69
- adjusting segments 69
- brushed 168
- closing 64, 66, 68
- combining 70
- compound 229, 234
- connecting 62, 70
- copying 68
- copying segment of 68
- copying to and from Photoshop 218, 263
- curved segments 53, 66
- deleting 70
- direction lines and points on 54
- drawing, with Pen tool 63, 64, 66
- drawing, with Pencil tool 61, 62
- joining and splitting 77, 411
- leaving open 68
- moving 69
- reshaping 52, 62, 69
- selecting 68
- self-intersecting 235
- smoothing and simplifying 72
- splitting 77
- straight segments 53, 66
- SVG file format and 376
- viewing without fills and strokes 45
- wavy and Zig Zag 243
- pattern dither 389
- patterns
- PDF conversion settings 278
- PDF files
- bleed 284
- compared to other formats 264
- compliance with PDF/X standard 281
- compression 282
- downsampling 282
- flattening transparency 285
- importing 259
- non-native art in 260
- overprinting 285
- placement options 259
- presets 279
- saving, general 277
- saving, with layers 277
- saving, with multiple pages 277
- transparency in 418
- PDF presets
- PDF version capabilities 281
- PDF/X-compliant files
- PDFs
- Pen tool
- Pencil tool
- performance, improving 353
- permissions passwords
- Persistent command 103
- Photocopy command 360
- Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop
- picas 47
- PICT file format 270
- PICT files
- picture clippings, dragging to desktop 218
- pie graphs
- Pixel Preview mode 46, 370
- Pixelate effects and filters 359
- pixels
- Place command
- Plaster command 360
- Plastic Wrap command 357
- Playback Options command 437
- plug-ins 7, 50
- PNG file formats 275
- PNG-24 file format
- PNG-8 file format
- point size 304
- point type 289, 290
- pointer 25
- Pointillize command 359
- points
- points on a path
- Polar Grid tool 26, 59
- Polygon tool 26, 57
- Portable Document Format (PDF). See PDF files
- portrait (vertical) page orientation 407
- positive film 405
- postcard templates 36
- Poster Edges command 357
- PostScript file format 266
- PPD files
- preferences
- presets
- press bleed 409
- Press Quality, PDF presets 279
- previewing
- print bounding box 38
- Print command 401
- Print new document profile 33
- printable area 41
- printable colors 124
- printer resolution 402, 403
- printer styles 430
- printer’s marks 408
- printer-resident fonts 412
- printing
- See also color separations
- as bitmap 424
- bleed 409
- color blends 414
- color management considerations 139
- composites 401
- continuous-tone images 403
- curves 411
- effects and filters 353
- embedded EPS images 261
- file and error information 288
- gradients 183, 414
- limit-check error 411
- making artwork nonprintable 401
- multiple pages 42
- objects on all plates 406
- on multiple pages 406
- oversized documents 408
- PostScript level 412
- transparent artwork 417
- process colors
- Proof Setup command 137
- Proximity language dictionaries 302
- proxy view area 44
- Pucker & Bloat effect 243
- Pucker tool 29
- punctuation
- Q
- R
- radar graphs
- Radial Blur command 358
- raster images. See bitmap images
- rasterization
- read me file 2
- recent files, opening 36
- Recolor Artwork command 121
- Recolor Artwork With Preset command 122, 123
- recording
- rectangles, drawing 56
- rectangular grids 59
- reducing colors in artwork 122
- reference point, for rotating 206
- reflecting
- registration
- registration of software 1
- Release (Blend) command 243
- Release (Clipping Mask) command 239
- Release (Compound Path) command 235
- Release (Crop Area) command 39
- Release (Envelope) command 228
- Release (Slice) command 374
- Release Compound Shape command 233
- Release Guides command 48
- Release Selection (Threaded Text) command 296
- Release Text Wrap command 297
- Release To Layers command 213
- relinking files 256
- Remove Threading (Threaded Text) command 296
- rendering intents 149
- Replace Actions command 439
- Replace Spine command 242
- requirements, system 1
- Reselect command 157, 201
- Reset Actions command 439
- Reset Bounding Box command 221
- Reshape tool 29, 71
- reshaping objects. See distorting objects, transforming
- resizing objects. See scaling objects
- resolution
- Reticulation command 360
- Reverse Spine command 242
- reversing paths 235
- Revert command 51
- revolving objects 246
- RGB color space, Adobe 146
- Rich Content PDF setting 279
- right reading. See emulsion
- RIP (raster image processor) 405
- roman hanging punctuation 323
- rotating
- rotating objects
- rotating x and y axes of documents 208
- Rough Pastels command 358, 362
- Roughen effect 243
- Round Corners effect 244
- round joins 155
- Rounded Rectangle tool 26, 56
- rows of text, creating 294
- RTF file format 291
- rulers 46, 47
- S
- saturation
- Save Actions command 438
- Save Current command 22
- Save For Microsoft Office command 269
- Save For Web dialog box
- Save Selection command 201
- Save Workspace command 22
- saving
- saving artwork
- scaling
- Scallop tool 29
- scanners, color gamut of 96
- scatter brushes 166, 171
- scatter graphs 449
- Scissors tool 32, 77
- scratch area 41
- screen blending mode 180
- screen frequency
- screen modes 16
- Scribble effect 364
- scripts
- security, PDF files 286
- segments, path 52
- Select Again command 157
- Select All command 201
- Select Same command 201
- selecting
- selecting objects
- selections, saving 201
- Send Backward command 217
- Send To Back command 217
- Send To Current Layer command 213
- separations. See color separations
- shading 3D objects 245, 246, 250
- shapes
- Sharpen effects and filters 356, 360
- shearing objects
- shearing type 300
- Show All command 216
- showing and hiding
- sidecar files 287
- Simplify command 73
- Simulate Ink Black option 138
- Simulate Paper White option 138
- simulating colored paper 42
- Single-line Composer 325
- Sketch effects and filters 356, 360
- skewing. See shearing objects
- slanting. See shearing objects
- slices
- small caps 309
- Smallest File Size PDF setting 279
- Smart Guides 48, 49
- Smart Guides & Slices preferences 49
- Smart Punctuation command 313
- Smooth tool 26, 72
- Smudge Stick command 358
- Snap To Pixel command 371
- Snap To Point command 203
- snapping 47, 48, 49
- Soft Light blending mode 180
- Soft Mix effect 127
- soft return 467
- soft-proofing 46
- software
- software downloads 10
- Sort By Hue command 391
- Sort By Luminance command 391
- Sort By Popularity command 391
- spacer cells 399
- spacing
- Spatter command 359
- special characters
- spell-checking
- spine, in blended objects 242
- spinning. See Twist effect
- spirals, drawing 58
- Split Into Grid command 235, 236
- splitting paths
- Sponge command 358
- spot colors
- Sprayed Strokes command 359
- spread trap 426
- sRGB color space 136, 147
- stacking order
- Stained Glass command 361
- Stamp command 361
- Standard Screen mode 16
- Star tool 26, 57
- static text 331
- status bar 16
- stops, inserting in recordings 436
- straight quotes 310, 313
- Stray Points command 72
- strokes
- about 151, 152
- applying 155, 157
- as appearance attributes 346
- color, selecting objects by 197, 201
- controls for 152
- converting to objects 202
- converting to outlines 156
- hiding 45
- removing 156
- scaling 222
- Stroke Color (Select Same) command 157
- Stroke command 428
- Stroke panel 154
- Stroke Weight (Select Same) command 157, 201
- switching with fill color 152
- unit of measurement for 47
- Style (Select Same) command 201
- styles. See graphic styles, paragraphs, characters
- Stylize effects and filters 356, 361
- sublayers. See layers
- subscript type 311
- Subtract (Pathfinder) effect 231
- subtractive colors 94
- Sumi-e command 359
- superscript type 311
- SVG (scalable vector graphics)
- swashes, in type 319
- swatches
- SWF files
- SWF files. See Flash graphics
- SWF format
- Symbol Instance (Select Same) command 201
- Symbol Shifter tool 89
- Symbol Sizer tool 90
- Symbol Sprayer tool 88, 89
- Symbol Styler tool 91
- symbol workflow 381
- symbols
- 9-slice scaling 84
- about 82
- and blended objects 240
- applying graphic styles to 91
- as 3D object surface 251
- changing color of 90
- creating 84
- editing 86
- expanding 85, 202
- importing from another document 87
- in Flash animations 378
- isolation mode 86, 194
- libraries 87
- placing 83, 88
- sets 88
- sets of 88, 89
- SVG file format and 376
- symbolism tools 91
- Symbols panel 83, 87
- using with Flash 82
- working with symbol instances 85
- system requirements 1
- T
- tabs
- Targa file format 270
- targeting 348
- tate-chu-yoko 335
- template layers 78
- templates
- text
- text boxes, units of measurement 47
- text formatting
- Text String variables 442, 444
- text threads, showing and hiding 295
- text, in slices 373
- Texture effects and filters 361
- Texturizer command 361
- threaded text frames 295
- three-dimensional objects. See 3D objects
- thumbnails
- tick values and marks, for graphs 452
- TIFF file format 270
- tiling 42, 45, 406
- Tint Reduction value 428
- tints 102, 107
- titling characters, in type 319
- tools
- Tools panel, configuring 16
- Top-to-top leading 334
- Torn Edges command 361
- TOYO color system 102
- tracing artwork
- tracking 315, 316
- transforming objects
- transparency
- See also flattening
- about 173
- adding to symbols 90
- applying 174
- as appearance attributes 346
- creating knockout groups 175
- dithering 389
- file formats that preserve 418
- flattener presets 420
- flattening for output 417
- masks 175, 177
- saving 265, 266
- selecting objects with same 174, 197
- Transparency panel 173
- using to shape a knockout 178
- in web graphics 390
- Transparency Flattener Presets command 423
- trapping
- Trim (Pathfinder) effect 232
- trim marks 408
- trimming objects 235
- tritones, imported from PDF files 260
- TrueType fonts 304
- Trumatch color system 102
- tryouts 10
- Tweak effect 243
- Twirl tool 29
- Twist effect 243
- type
- Type 1 fonts 304
- type blocks. See area type
- type on paths
- Type preferences
- Type tool 28, 290, 291
- type, Asian
- aki 335
- aligning characters 337
- burasagari 340
- composite fonts 341, 343, 344
- glyphs 333
- kinsoku sets 339, 340
- kurikaeshi moji shori 341
- leading 334
- line-breaking options 340
- mojikumi sets 337, 338, 339
- mojisoroe 337
- OpenType fonts 333
- rotating half-width characters 334
- showing options for 333
- tate-chu-yoko 335
- Unicode support 302
- warichu 336
- type, creating 28, 290, 291
- type, editing
- anti-aliasing options 310
- assigning a language 302
- changing capitalization 309
- converting to outlines 312
- finding and replacing text 307
- flipping text across paths 297
- hyphenation 324, 325
- punctuation 310, 313, 324
- resizing a text area 292
- showing hidden characters 319
- spell-checking 301
- transforming type 300
- Unicode support 302
- updating type from AI 10 and earlier 344, 345
- type, formatting
- See also character styles, paragraph styles, tabs
- all caps and small caps 309
- area type options 293, 294
- baseline shift 314
- Character panel 308
- color 307
- composition methods 325
- fonts 304
- fractional character widths 316
- fractions and ordinals 313
- graphic styles 307, 368
- hanging punctuation 323
- indenting 321
- kerning and tracking 315, 316
- leading 314
- ligatures and contextual alternates 318
- missing fonts 305
- numbers 312
- OpenType fonts 303
- OpenType panel 317
- Paragraph panel 319
- paragraph spacing 322
- scaling 300
- size 304
- spacing between words 321
- special characters 316
- strikethrough 309
- superscript and subscript 311
- swashes 319
- transforming 300, 301
- type on a path options 298, 299
- underlining 309
- wrapping around objects 296
- type, importing and exporting 274, 291, 379
- type, selecting 306
- typeface. See fonts
- typographer’s quotes 310
- U
- underlining type 309
- Underpainting command 358
- undoing and redoing changes 16, 51
- Ungroup command 202
- Unicode 291, 302
- Units & Display Performance preferences 44, 47, 444
- units of measurement 47
- unlocking objects 215
- Unsharp Mask command 360
- Unshift All Colors command 393
- unwrapping text from around objects 297
- Update Legacy Text commands 344
- updates 10
- URLs, assigning to object 375
- Use Adobe Dialog option 37
- V
- value axis, for graphs 451
- variables
- vector graphics
- Version Cue. See Adobe Version Cue
- vertical (portrait) page orientation 407
- Vertical Area Type tool 28, 290
- Vertical Path Type tool 28
- Vertical Type On A Path tool 291
- Vertical Type tool 28, 290, 291
- vertical type, converting to horizontal 301
- Video And Film new document profile 33
- Video effects and filters 362
- Video Workshop 5
- views
- Visibility variables 442, 444
- W
- warichu 336
- warping objects
- Water Paper command 361
- Watercolor command 358
- wavy lines, creating 243
- WBMP file format
- web documents, presets for 33
- web file formats
- web graphics
- web graphics, color management considerations 136
- Web Shift/Unshift Selected Colors command 392
- web tables. See slices
- web-safe colors
- website templates 36
- Welcome screen, using 34
- windows, creating multiple 45
- WMF file format 270
- WMF files
- WMMP optimization options 394
- word breaks, preventing 325
- word spacing 321
- work area
- workflows, cross-product 218
- working spaces, color 146
- workspaces
- wrapping text around objects 296, 297
- Wrinkle tool 29
- X
- Y
- Z