Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 3

Customizing color pickers and swatches
Converting between color modes
Color and monochrome adjustments using channels
Choosing colors in the Color and Swatchespanels
Adding a conditional mode changeto an action
Add swatches from HTML CSS and SVG
Convert an image to Bitmap mode
Understanding color management
Generate image assets from layers | Photoshop CC
Create Smart Objects | CC, CS6
Selecting, grouping, and linking layers
Copy CSS from layers | CC, CS6
Moving, stacking, and locking layers
Knockout to reveal content from other layers
Create and manage layers and groups
Combine images with Auto-Blend Layers
Load selections from a layer or layer mask’s boundaries
Masking layers with vector masks
Revealing layers with clipping masks
Combining multiple images into a group portrait
Moving, copying, and deleting selected pixels
Saving selections and alpha channel masks
Selecting with the lasso tools
Selecting with the marquee tools
Extract an object from its background