Filter effects reference | cc, cs6 – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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Filter effects reference | CC, CS6
Colored Pencil
List of filters supporting 16-bit/channel and 32-bit/channel documents
Artistic filters
Blur filters
Brush Stroke filters
Distort filters
Noise filters
Pixelate filters
Render filters
Sharpen filters
Sketch filters
Stylize filters
Texture filters
Video filters
Other filters
Digimarc filters
Vanishing Point
Complete information on using some filters is available in other sections. Search Adobe Help for information on the sharpening, blurring,
Lens Correction, Lens Blur, Noise Reduction, Liquify, and Vanishing Point filters.
List of filters supporting 16-bit/channel and 32-bit/channel documents
The following filters support 16-bit/channel and 32-bit/channel documents:
All Blur filters (except for Lens Blur and Smart Blur)
All Distort filters
The Noise > Add Noise filter
All Pixelate filters
All Render filters (except for Lighting Effects)
All Sharpen filters (except for Sharpen Edges)
The following filters under Filter > Stylize:
Trace Contour
All Video filters
All filters under Filter > Other
Artistic filters
Filters from the Artistic submenu help you achieve painterly and artistic effects for a fine arts or commercial project. For example, use the Cutout
filter for collages or typography. These filters replicate natural or traditional media effects. All the Artistic filters can be applied through the Filter
Draws an image using colored pencils on a solid background. Edges are retained and given a rough crosshatch appearance; the
solid background color shows through the smoother areas.
For a parchment effect, change the background color just before applying the Colored Pencil filter to a selected area.