Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 1021

Render For Final Output
Reflections, Refractions, Shadows
Remove Backfaces
Edge Style
Crease Threshold
Line Width
Remove Backfaces
Remove Hidden Lines
Vertex Style
Remove Backfaces
Remove Hidden Vertices
Stereo Type
Lenticular Spacing
Focal Plane
For exported video animations, produces smoother shadows and realistic color bleeds from reflected objects and
environments. This option requires more processing time, however.
Show or hide these Ray Traced rendering features.
Hides surfaces on the back of two-sided components.
Edge options
Edge options determine how wireframe lines appear.
Reflects the Constant, Flat, Solid, and Bounding Box options described for Face Style above.
Adjusts the number of structural lines that appear in the model. A crease or line, is formed when two polygons in a model
come together at a particular angle. If edges meet at an angle below the Crease Threshold setting (0-180), the line they form is removed. At a
setting of 0, the entire wireframe is displayed.
Specifies width in pixels.
Hides edges on the back of two-sided components.
Removes lines that foreground lines overlap.
Vertex options
Vertex options adjust the appearance of vertices (intersections of polygons that make up the wireframe model).
Reflects the Constant, Flat, Solid, and Bounding Box options described for Face Style above.
Determines the pixel radius of each vertex.
Hides vertices on the back of two-sided components.
Removes vertices that foreground vertices overlap.
Stereo options
Stereo options adjust settings for images that will either be viewed with red-blue glasses or printed to objects that include a lenticular lens.
Specifies Red/Blue for images viewed with colored glasses or Vertical Interlaced for lenticular prints.
Adjusts the distance between the two stereo cameras. Higher settings increase three-dimensional depth but reduce depth of field,
making items ahead or behind the focal plane appear out of focus.
For vertically interlaced images, specifies how many lines per inch the lenticular lens has.
Determines the position of the focal plane relative to the center of the model’s bounding box. Enter negative values to move the
plane forward, and positive values to move it backward.