Png - 24 optimization options, Wbmp optimization options, Swf optimization options (illustrator) – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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Load a color table
1. Select Load Color Table from the Color Table palette menu.
2. Navigate to a file containing the color table you want to load—either an Adobe Color Table (.act) file, an Adobe Color Swatch (.aco) file, or a
GIF file (to load the file’s embedded color table).
3. Click Open.
PNG-24 optimization options
PNG-24 is suitable for compressing continuous-tone images; however, it produces much larger files than JPEG format. The advantage of using
PNG-24 is that it can preserve up to 256 levels of transparency in an image.
Transparency and Matte Determine how transparent pixels in the image are optimized. See Optimize transparency in GIF and PNG images.
Interlace Displays a low-resolution version of the image in a browser while the full image file is downloading. Interlacing can make downloading
time seem shorter and can assure viewers that downloading is in progress. However, interlacing also increases file size.
WBMP optimization options
WBMP format is the standard format for optimizing images for mobile devices, such as cell phones. WBMP supports 1-bit color, which means that
WBMP images contain only black and white pixels.
The Dithering algorithm and percentage determine the method and amount of application dithering. For optimal appearance, use the lowest
percentage of dither that provides the detail you require.
You can select one of the following dithering methods:
No Dither Applies no dithering at all, rendering the image in purely black and purely white pixels.
Diffusion Applies a random pattern that is usually less noticeable than Pattern dither. The dither effects are diffused across adjacent pixels. If you
select this algorithm, specify a Dither percentage to control the amount of dithering applied to the image.
Note: Diffusion dither may cause detectable seams to appear across slice boundaries. Linking slices diffuses the dither pattern across all linked
slices, and eliminates the seams.
Pattern Applies a halftone-like square pattern to determine the value of pixels.
Noise Applies a random pattern similar to the Diffusion dithering, but without diffusing the pattern across adjacent pixels. No seams appear with
the Noise algorithm.
SWF optimization options (Illustrator)
The Adobe Flash (SWF) file format is a vector-based graphics file format for the creation of scalable, compact graphics for the web. Because the
file format is vector-based, the artwork maintains its image quality at any resolution. The SWF format is ideal for the creation of animation frames,
but you can also save raster images in SWF format or mix raster and vector graphics.
Optimization settings for SWF
A. File format menu B. Flash Player menu C. Export menu
Preset Specifies the preconfigured set of options you want to use for export. You can create new presets by setting options as desired, and then
choosing Save Settings from the panel menu. (To open the panel menu, click the triangle to the right of the Preset menu.)
Flash Player Version Specifies the earliest version of Flash Player that will support the exported file.
Type Of Export Determines how layers are exported. Select AI File To SWF File to export the artwork to a single frame. Select Layers To SWF
Frames to export the artwork on each layer to a separate SWF frame, creating an animated SWF.
Note: Select AI File To SWF File to preserve layer clipping masks.
Curve Quality Specifies the accuracy of the bezier curves. A low number decreases the exported file size with a slight loss of curve quality. A
higher number increases the accuracy of the bezier curve reproduction, but results in a larger file size.
Frame Rate Specifies the rate at which the animation will play in a Flash viewer. This option is available only for Layers To SWF Frames.
Loop Causes the animation to loop continuously, rather than play once and then stop, when played in a Flash viewer. This option is available only
for Layers To SWF Frames.
Preserve Appearance Expands strokes into stroke-shaped fills and flattens any blending modes and transparency that SWF doesn’t support.
Preserve Editability Converts strokes to SWF strokes, and approximates or ignores transparency that SWF doesn’t support.