Clean up stray pixels in a color-based selection, Refine selection edges – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual

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pixels creates a new, soft-edged selection that extends 10 pixels inside the original selection border and 10 pixels outside it.

Expand a selection to include areas with similar color

Do one of the following:

Choose Select > Grow to include all adjacent pixels falling within the tolerance range specified in the Magic Wand options.

Choose Select > Similar to include pixels throughout the image, not just adjacent ones, falling within the tolerance range.

To increase the selection in increments, choose either command more than once.

You cannot use the Grow and Similar commands on Bitmap mode images or 32-bits-per-channel images.

Clean up stray pixels in a color-based selection

1. Choose Select > Modify > Smooth.

2. For Sample Radius, enter a pixel value between 1 and 100, and click OK.

For each pixel in the selection, Photoshop examines the pixels around it, to the distance you specify in the radius setting. If more than half of
these surrounding pixels are selected, the pixel remains in the selection, and the unselected pixels around it are added to the selection. If
less than half the surrounding pixels are selected, the pixel is removed from the selection. The overall effect is to reduce patchiness and
smooth sharp corners and jagged lines in the selection.

Refine selection edges

The Refine Edge option improves the quality of selection edges, letting you extract objects with ease. You can also use Refine Edge options to
refine a layer mask. (See Adjust mask opacity or edges.)

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Video tutorial: Precisely selecting portraits

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