Select an item to transform – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual

Page 533

background image







Rotate 180, Rotate 90 CW, Rotate 90 CCW


To the top


To the top

A. Original image B. Layer flipped C. Selection border rotated D. Part of object scaled

Transform submenu commands

Enlarges or reduces an item relative to its reference point, the fixed point around which transformations are performed. You can scale

horizontally, vertically, or both horizontally and vertically.

Turns an item around a reference point. By default, this point is at the center of the object; however, you can move it to another location.

Slants an item vertically and horizontally.

Stretches an item in all directions.

Applies one-point perspective to an item.

Manipulates the shape of an item.

Rotates the item by the specified number of degrees, either clockwise or counterclockwise.

Flips the item vertically or horizontally.

Select an item to transform

Do one of the following:

To transform an entire layer, make the layer active, and make sure nothing is selected.

You cannot transform the background layer. To transform it, first convert it to a regular layer.

To transform part of a layer, select the layer in the Layers panel, and then select part of the image on that layer.

To transform multiple layers, do either of the following in the Layers panel: link the layers together, or select multiple layers by Ctrl-
clicking (Windows) or Command-clicking (Mac OS) more than one layer. In the Layers panel, you can also Shift-click to select
continguous layers. (See

Selecting, grouping, and linking layers


To transform a layer mask or a vector mask, unlink the mask and select the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel.

To transform a path or vector shape, use the Path Selection tool to select the entire path or the Direct Selection tool to select part of
the path. If you select one or more points on a path, only those path segments connected to the points are transformed. (See

Select a



To transform a selection border, make or load a selection. Then choose Select > Transform Selection.

To transform an alpha channel, select the channel in the Channels panel.

Set or move the reference point for a transformation


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